Started Guides with a heavy heart, it is Handover today. Felt really different from last year, maybe it was because we bonded more and so on.
Fall in in front of the flagpole under the blazing hot sun then the usual routine. Questions, attention, take dressing, check attire but it was incomplete. We had to redo the whole thing (skipping the attire check part). My initial thought was “okay, Yi Jing ma’am is back.” But then it struck me a moment later that it was because today’s handover. My thoughts ran wild and I felt rather down. The whole company had to do punishments which were thankfully, helped to divert my attention for a while. We were not supposed to have a glum look pasted on our faces.
We changed to our dark coloured tshirt. Ixora had short combined patrol interaction with Flowerpecker before station games. We carried our 1.5s and blindfolds while in search of the ‘hidden’ stations. If I remembered correctly, Pamela ma’am was following us. Initially, we were at a loss as we went to the Home Econs area to search but there was not a single senior in sight. So we ran back to the concourse and the sec3s led us to the classrooms to try our luck.
HA HA, we found a station in 2H classroom. We played blindfolded Musical Chairs with Venus ma’am being the DJ and Lynn ma’am as our guide. Holding hands and walking around and around the chairs blindfolded made me so dizzy and blur. It seemed like a quest to find someone with the biggest buttocks, to me, which was fun.
And HA HA, for the second time. We went to the canteen station with Jasmine ma’am and Ting En i/c as station mistress. Each patrol had to make the longest straw in 30s. Both patrols will be given cups of water to empty in the shortest time possible I think. Yun Jin started drinking but it was too slow and someone suggested blowing air into it. Blowing into the water equals to water spilt out. Ixora lost, Flowerpecker won. So the losing patrol has to take tissue from the toilet and clear the water up. I thought that was all but there was a forfeit. Flowerpecker, made us write ‘PECKXORA’ using our beautiful (hopefully) big butts at the canteen entrance. But luckily, there were not many people around so I guess only Flowerpecker was having a delightful time laughing at us.
I am not going to say HA HA again(: We went to the Parade Square to play Ice and Water with Grace Ma’am and Evangelin i/c. The Ice patrol – Flowerpecker, was given masking tape to stick onto the other patrol. The Water patrol which was us, were given 20 water bombs to make them wet. The patrol with the most number of masking tape on them or very wet will have to do a forfeit. Then the fun started. Clara helped me to bite the bomb to make a hole. I could squish the bomb a little and the water would spurt out and wet the opponent. I had three with me but I threw one when it just started so I was left with two. HA HA, and I went around squirting water at Flowerpecker who was ‘bullying’ my junior so I got back at them. Denise started to chase me around the area when my water bombs ‘died’ on me. I was really enjoying myself though. After clearing up the mess we made, we had to fall in. And it seems to be a tie so PeckXora had to wear our skirts as high as possible as our forfeit.
Then we had patrol interaction since time was almost up. PeckXora ‘explored’ the different ways to wear our skirts high. The normal one would be just below the chest, worn normally which looked like some gothic-emotional edition Hanbok. Black and white. The sexy kind was to wear over our chest with the buckle and zip in the middle, like some halter-top without straps. Then we tried to wear it normally above the chest which looked so much better but it was hard to buckle so we left it alone. It became impossible to find another way to wear our skirts so we just sat down and yakked away. The Parade Square ground was horribly hot that maybe we got blisters on our butts. Then it was just Ixora patrol. So we started with our usual chitchat and the playful throwing of blindfolds around.
We were given 10mins(?) to change to our Guides Uniform but we exceeded the time limit although we had time extension. We sat down and talked a while. You could see many scared and dejected faces even before the handover ceremony.
Then the terror started. Roll call first then we made the horseshoe formation. We had to march on the spot for a long time to alter the position of the horseshoe because we had limited space. The ceremony started. I felt okay at first. However, when the sec4s marched out, it made me feel like I something was taken away from me. Then Flowerpecker PS was Clara Tan which means CLARA TRANSFER OUT OF IXORA. I heard sniffs and sobs, from myself and those in Ixora. Then I heard my name, Ixora PS. I could not believe what had happened, it was too fast. Am I the reason why Clara transferred out? I don’t know but tears just streamed out of my eyes. My, so sad. I saw Suan Ching ma’am and the other ma’ams’ face. And I cried even harder. I cannot remember who said what but I think I heard “save your tears for later”. Still, I continued crying. When marching back, I could not find Ixora then I spotted the sobbing-very-hard-Jia-en and Hwee Fen’s very sad look. Throughout the whole ceremony, I could not feel my toes. Everyone was too pre-occupied with who’s what and the sadness which came like waves crashing against them, continuously. Sorry, I cannot remember who became this this that. Finally, the thing ended. Hugging Yun Jin and Natasha after trying to fold my beret and crying out louder, which I couldn’t earlier on. Handover’s over, too fast. But the terror did not end. The sec4s will be leaving us and Clara not in Ixora. We lost a patrolmate but we got a junior, Rebecca.
Snack time in the canteen, singing Grace, exchanging Peach Tea for Lemon Tea with Hibiscus, chatter and HA HAs and tears. Then we were dismissed. No one went away yet, too busy with taking photographs here and there. Fun and laughter everywhere, topped with confusion and unhappiness. I didn’t feel like going back yet, sat around on the Parade Square with Rachel, Valerie and Denise after changing. See the orange wave-like pattern which resembles a person soaring and another below; it pretty much ended this year’s Handover.
-Chua Jia Ying
Today it was the last activity for the Secondary4s’o9 + Handover!
Games and gettin’ tekaned by the Sec4s, then handover.
Games were kinda challenging, idk why I feel tt way either hee. Minli Maam and Yanyan Maam’s current patrols combined and were called “Kingflower!” for the day’s games! We were losers and didn’t find the bonus checkpoint. :o
Dialogue. Changing parade. Dread + anticipation whilst waiting in the concourse. Handover.
It’s now my batch’s turn to takeover this company & we all don’t know what’s going to be in for us within the next one year that we’ll be taking over. Nevertheless I’m sure all 18 of us will give it our utmost and do what’s best for this company:) Sec1s, be good guides and listen to your seniors. Sec2s, rmb to take good care of the sec1s and set good examples and listen to the Sec3s, whatever the posts they have gotten. Sec3s, let’s rock smelly socks! :DD
Meow! Hahahah, I like to meow nowadays. Okay anyway :D to my sec3 batchmates! We are 18 girls and we’re all going to go through loads of fun tgt YAY. As in srsly, conflicts + gossiping + handling of juniors + weekly proposals + taking supercalifragi good care of the company, and to work towards PNA G!
This was what my vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv good friend once told me before Handover this year when I was fretting about a whole load of stuff (:
“No one cares what post you’ve gotten and what rank you’ve had before when you were a senior after you’ve passed out; juniors only care and will remember you because of what you have left, taught, & instilled in them.”
It totally enlightened me. In our own ways, we can achieve what we want from the juniors even if we do not get that desired post; don’t you guys feel it’s more meaningful? (Do not start thinking abt terrorizing them k hor.)
Who cares about the posts? I don’t already. As long as we stay tgt as a batch, stay happy, stay out of trouble with one another… what more can we ask for? (:
Oh ya, for Charlene to start considering to buy a brain & make sure she doesn’t spell her name wrongly as “CHALENE” on the back of her book anymore & to only realize it later WHEN I TELL HER (which btw is ½ a year later). Or think that char siew meat comes from a bird, or always does freestyle dancing when she thinks no one is looking… aiyah so much more lah hor Charlene Cai? HAHAH!! What the!! LAMEEEEEEEEEEE. Ok just kidding!!! :DDDD
But main point is.
Whoever’s sad now, everything happens for a reason and damn, so many seniors have said that our batch is supeduperfuper got potential so really, let’s just be kickbutt seniors that will rock smelly socks!! & no post is bad. EVER. Whoever’s feeling pekchek now, alamak. Whoever’s feeling happy/satisfied now, vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv sui for you. Whoever’s feeling scared now, don’t :D we’ve got 17x2=34 hands to back you up (X Whoever’s feeling v pekchek now, you’re not alone. Whoever’s planning to be haughty and proud over posts… goodluck.
:D Heat is the element of Fire,
Fire is the element of Hot,
Hot is the element of AHSGUIDESSEC3o9 :B
I’ll work hard at my post and give Guides a pretty image k. Hahaha! LOL, okay enough about sec3s. The rest of the juniors, ganbatte! (: ENDURE,EXPLORE,EXCEL!
I want a hot pink camera! Hahahaha logistics! *MEEE-OW!* The Sec4s have been very concerned and caring towards our batch and you guys rly pwn (: Esp me, I rly need to thank the seniors who have been so incredibly supportive of me in Term1 about stuff that are not blogmaterial o.o. All the help and advice, I rly cnt articulate my gratitude… Cont rockin’ :D :D :D oh ya, and Dustbins forever!!-Mandy