Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 5:36 PM
#17 - First Activity

Friday we had GAMES! YAY!
The theme was 'Pirates', so all of the ma'ams were dressed up like pirates. :D

I totally did not understand the clue that was given to us on a piece of paper, but Selina solved it!
The first station we ran to was at the UMBRELLA AREA, we had to drag ourselves through a poncho with flour, cream and water on it to get to a bucket to find a rock. Of course, DOVE WON!!! We pored water on Hibiscus, 'floured' them, and sprayed whipped cream in their mouths. We also found a treasure, which was the school badge on a piece of paper. There was also a sunflower taped to a piece of paper on the floor, but we all thought it was Hibicus's, so we left it alone.

The words on the paper said to go to the parade square, but there were two patrols there already, so we went to the D & T area. We met Ying Yan ma'am there and we had to make her happy. We did a cheer, and she gave us water bombs! At the D & T area station, we played this game where we were given only a limit of people on the ground. We then did another cheer and the ma'ams there gave us SEVEN water bombs.

We returned back to the parade square and played this game called 'Black Pearl' where we had to keep the ball in the air by hitting it towards the other patrol. For this Dove lost to Hibiscus and we were showered with water bombs.

The last station we went to was at the canteen where we had to balance our way across two benches with something on our heads. We also did a cheer and were given water bombs.

After the last station, we all went to the church carpark where we played 'The Toilet Paper Game'. It's jjust like Captain's Ball, but only played with a roll of toilet paper, as the name of the game suggests. Then, we had to hand back our treasures and Dove won because we found two!

After that, we all went back to the concourse and did another changing parade. Our seniors were happy with our timing so we only had to do it once.

Then, we did the song-signing thing for our Sec2s at the Parade Square. After that, the Sec2 and 3 seniors were awarded badges and we were dismissed.


“WHOOOHOOO finally gg act!”

At the start, we had the introduction of the sec3 members. I felt really high and excited about the differences of how they ran the company, and probably about the activities planned ahead for us.

After that we had changing parade, which was quite tiring. ): However, it trained our sense of urgency and time management skills. I felt a bit disappointed in our performance too. ): We managed to keep up with the time limit, which was very encouraging. ;D;D;D

We then had games!! I was very fun and entertaining. As Sec2s we had to take care of our juniors and it was really new experience as we had no longer our sec3s to rely on. However, I think we did a good job (: We had clues towards finding our first clue. I was really unsure of the clue thing as we just ran to a station we saw. In the end, we seeked help from Charlene ma’am and found the clue, which was just under our noses. (Actually it was on a pillar, so it was above our heads)

We went to our first station which was the DNT area. We had to go into a “little parking lot” to play that game. The challenging part was to not stand on our two feet. We managed to pull through the first round when i was piggyback-ed. It was really challenging for the last round when we had to all remove our feet on the ground and have only 3 people sitting on the ground. We managed to please YanYan ma’am to give us goodies (:

On the way to our second station, we were caught by Pirate helpers (?) and we had to do a forfeit! But thankfully we only had 1 balloon confiscated.

We went to the second section and played the caterpillar game to find the stone ultimately. Kingfisher won us and we were “splashed” with flour. WOHH. I decided to jump all around to get snowflake imitations (:

Then we went to play the third station. We had to hit a ball and pose after that. It was really difficult at first as I kept on losing my balance. Then the second round was to have our hands tied at the back of our body. We had a really fun time playing and even got a bonus balloon. We had to think of a brand new cheer and in the end, we did


Overall, I think that this activity was really enjoyable and exciting. It was definitely a new experience and I really had a lot of fun playing all the games.


Hey Guides pictures will be uploaded sooon (: