Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 11:34 AM
CARNIVAL PREPARATIONSYesterday’s activity was a rather quiet one, partly because there wasn’t any games or PT (or anything which dictated the juniors to scream), and also because many sec 3s went for OBS. How sad. (Just Kidding!)
We had carnival preparation for the entire day so we’d be able to finish everything before Saturday. Activities like Modules were also scrapped to make time for this.. HAHA! Ok anyway.. cutting of badge templates wasn’t very well done (especially the ‘Colours of My Life’ badge). Wow! I feel angry/enraged/livid already. BUT I ALSO FEEL SORRY. HAHA. Ok maybe you’re not supposed to say ‘Haha’ when you’re apologetic. Sorry for not getting the right measurements before we printed the templates. Yay.
Next.. Painting. Now I know what’s the thing called ‘talent’. Some people like Wen Jing can photocopy really well! I seriously don’t see the need for inventions like the scanner and printer or camera or photocopier now. Just kidding! I like to exaggerate a lot.
As far as my dysfunctional brain can properly recall, the banners and posters and mascots were REALLY well done!!! Even though it wasn’t completed in 10 seconds or something, it was still a feat considering the fact that everyone managed to complete the stuff within that one single single single single morning! (Other than minor touch-ups needed here and there)
Before my minuscule brain goes kaput, I shall end off by thanking every one for being socially responsible by not spreading the H1N1 virus!! I wanted to thank every one’s lucky stars but I soon realised we can’t see stars in the day. Heeeeheeeeee.
Oh yes! Before I forget.. I think we should thank MAGGIE for editing and printing the extra 101/102/103 badges (I forgot how many). That probably saved the company from (17 x 1.50) $25.5! YAY HAHA!
I shall end my reflection now.. Regular or irregular reflection?
-Min Li =D Today, we had a few hours of carnival preparations, starting off from the badge-making. Firstly, the juniors were to cut out the badge templates for the ICs to start making the badges. It was pretty amazing that over a hundred badge templates were cut out in a short period of time. Woots!
Next up were the banner, mascot and posters preparations. The sec 1s and 2s were divided into a few groups and each group was given a certain task to work with. The beginning part was sort of disorganized at first, but we still managed to keep to schedule. The banner, which was done by I-can’t-remember-what-patrols, was really really really awesome! Without any supervision, they sketched out the difficult design and did a good job in painting the banner. As for the mascots, they turned out fine (especially the beanie mascot- so cute!) and for the posters, they were well-done. The posters were almost an exact replica of our proposal.
However, the ICs felt that despite the really good quality of the decorations, we still saw some juniors slacking when they could have the initiative to help out their fellow guides. That’s what bonding is all about, yea? Help out each other!
So overall, today’s carnival preparations were successful. Yay!- Jia-En
@ 11:09 AM
WEEKIMWEE CHALLENGE AT CAMP CHRISTINE!On Monday 22nd of June, Mrs Phua, Ms Hafizah, Maggie ma’am, Vivien ma’am, Hwee Fen ma’am, Mandy ma’am, Megan and I had to go to school to prepare for Wee Kim Wee challenge. We had to pack all the ingredients properly, get ready all the equipments required, and prepare the lemon balm drink. After that, we ate our lunch and left school at about 12pm.
The trip to Camp Christine took about an hour. When we reached Camp Christine, we had to wait for South Division (?) to finish before we could start.
At the waiting hall, I was really amazed at the size of the other schools herbs. They were really huge. While waiting, we were playing some games like the 成语game. At about 2.30pm, Megan and I went to a different area to cook while Maggie ma’am and Vivien ma’am went to the main hall to do the menu/informations and the table settings. The cooking and the presentation had to be done in two and a half hours.
Megan and I made some mistakes during the cooking but good thing Mrs Phua was there to remind and tell us our mistakes. Sadly, the end product was not as good as the ones we did during the practice sessions. After cooking and clearing up the place, we quickly rushed to the main hall to help Maggie ma’am and Vivien ma’am. As we did not have enough time to finish the whole menu/ information, we cut short the number of pages and informations we had. At about 5pm, the judging started. We found it weird that the judges did not try the food we cooked. Anyways, after the judging, we packed our stuff and left Camp Christine. Overall, I thought everything was okay and I really hope we would do well.
-EvangelineThe team and the teachers met at 9.30 to weight out the ingredients and prepare the equipments. We also made the Lemon Balm Tea then. It was quite delicious with its variety of flavours. It tasted sweet, sour and had a minty flavour. We checked everything to make sure we had the necessary ingredients and equipments. After some mental preparation, we made our way to Camp Christine, the competition site. We waited for awhile before the competition started. I was the substitute chef and was in charged of cooking the chicken wrapped in bacon. It was challenging as it was my first time attempting to cook the product. I felt that I could have done better in terms of time management. I should have ensured that the chicken was fully cooked too. The whole product tasted very delicious. Overall, I was quite satisfied with our end product(:-Megan
Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 5:42 PM
final summary of duty rosters!
Hihi all
please click on the url below for th finalized summary of all duties, ok? ok! OK!!!
No virus don't worry (i think so. my comp havent crash yet. haha)
NOTE: Angelina, Valerie, Wen Jing would be absent for the Carnival. 3 volunteers please offer to substitute these 3 Guides and sms me at 81857396. Thanks!
One more thing to nag: refer to the Cbox..Min Li wrote some naggy things inside
Tomorrow 8.40am gather in concourse in full guides U. Bring thermometer, pen, waterbottle, mask (optional), carnival coupons.
> Jia-En
Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 11:27 PM

here's the ahs guides booth duty schedule for G Carnival this Saturday :D
!click to enlarge and take a look (HAHAHAHAH DURHCXZ)
*skips off to drink soya bean*
*skips back agn*
okay i shall high abit here :DD cus ppl say that the previous Logistics snrs both damn ZIHIGH so i shall try to follow suit LOL.
how's elearning for everyone :D i just started today lol!i've been sick you see :( BOO HAHAH!I GOT FLU BTW (!AND IF ANYBODY CARES) :D & the doctor says normal flu and H1N1 symptoms are the even if the clinic doc diagnose you with normal flu YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE SWINE FLU IF YOU NEVER GO TO TANTOCKSENG TO CHECK AND BE SAFE ;D
& i never go check lol!
i might have swine flu boooo (or yay?)
but my fever's gone down,i have a bad running nose and itchy throat only scratch scratch LOL.
+i don't rly think im zihighing zzzzzzzzzZZZzzZzZZzZ shibaizhe D:!+
okay anyw guides (:
how's elearning for everyone!jiayou okie!! =D
okay im tired alr loooool.& i dun think i zh-ed anyway mehcxzcxzxzxz LOLLOLLOL.
Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 9:39 PM
#19 - Updates :X
2ND ACTIVITY 29TH MAY 2009Cut nails. Tuck in shirt. Clip up hair. Check!
Started off Guides activity with attire check as usual. Was feeling kinda nervous and excited at the same time as we didn’t really know what was in stall for us.
Having grabbed our ponchos and 1.5s, we Sec 2s had our first Physical Training in a long time. I could feel the batch's bond-ness as we shouted and cheered each other on. Although the PT was really tiring, it allowed us to strengthen our bond and endurance, and we all endured through! I felt really accomplished after finishing the 7 sets ;D
Later, we fall-ed in at a classroom and was joined by the Sec 1s. We discussed our patrol farewell gifts for a while and then proceeded to discuss our level item. Hope the Sec 4s will like what we have prepared!
Orchid and Kingfisher then went to the next classroom to paint the carnival mascots! Wohoo! I think the mascot is really cute. Anwyay, we drew and painted according to the proposal and was quite satisfied with our work. Hee ;D
We had a debrief and was dismissed. The ma'ams highlighted that we should be more initiative, have a sense of urgency and most importantly, respectful. I hope we can live up to that standard and put in our best for every activity (:
Am looking forward to the next activity !
-cherlin's reflection! :D don ask why it's scanned in HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH (X3RD ACTIVITY, 2ND JUNE 2009For tuesday, we started off with drills . Drills was somehow disappointing for the sec 1s as some of us had forgotten the commands and ,thus, not performing up to standard. Marching into contingent( I guess its spelled like that) was a big headache for both the sec 3s and us. As some of us was not clear about how we were suppose to march and where we were suppose to march to. Adding to the fact that we were sort of distracted by a flower obstructing our way , which we have to tilt our head while marching in order not to bump into it. A few of us could not hold back our laughter and started giggling among ourselves. After the seniors demonstrated to all of us, how marching into contingent should be done , many times, we managed to improved a little.
After drills, it was preparation for farewell. We split into three groups and started doing what each group was supposed to do. My group was supposed to draw on the white banner and paint it. As time was insufficient, we had to clear up everything, leaving the banner unfinished for the next day. Following that, we prepared our level item. The sec 2s performed first. They had put up a very interesting performance which we all feel that we should take them as our role models and learn from them.
-ClaraAfter the usual falling in and attire check, Sec 2s proceeded to church carpark for the first activity----- drills. We did rather well in the beginning but we did not maintain the standard. Punishment of 10 jumping jacks was implemented for every 5 samulas( is that how you spell it) We lost count of the number of samulas that we had done and this was rather disappointing, but we improved on it =) We were to show our Sec 1s how to march into contingent and we succeeded =D
This drill session was to choose Sec 2s into NDP. Although not everyone was selected yet, but I hope that the entire batch would get in.
Jiayou Sec 2s =D
After drills it was modules. First 4 patrols went to 1 Respect (?) classroom for modules. Firstly, we were to design a poster that will remind us of the precautions when boarding a bus or MRT and as a passenger in the car. Then, we were to perform a skid to show the precautions of a pedestrian. Last but not least, we were to answer questions about orienteering, like labelling the parts of a compass, how to find bearing and finding true north. Points were given for correct answers and dove won =D
Compared to the last 4 patrols, our modules were not done well and there is a lot of room for improvement.
After modules, we painted the banner for farewell. The first 3 patrols painted the black banner. I think that everyone tried to help out in some way, but I felt that we should split the work more evenly among ourselves. Patrols were called out one by one to film their video dedicated to the Sec 4s while the rest help out in the banner.
After the painting of the banner, we rehearsed our level item for farewell. This was the first time that we are really rehearsing the level item so I think it is still quite passable. There are still rooms for improvement for our level item and we shall do our best for level item =)
Overall, I think today’s activities were done quite okay. There are areas that we have improved and there are still areas that we could improve on. Therefore, 大家继续再接再厉。 =D
Equals to no school and more guides! *BEAMS EVEN MORE*
It’s the much awaited June holidays and all of the sec3s were excited as it is our turn to take over Guides activities which are in the morning! (:D)
Well its time for brushing up our juniors’ rusty skills and that’s what today’s activity was about!
First up is…………. Fall in! (As usual) :D we all fall in at 8am bright and sunny and I’m sure the juniors prefer this to normal school days which we have to reach school by 7.25 am! (Gee those extra 30 mins of sleep :] ) It’s a time to check the juniors’ uniform and ours too! FTW to perfect uniform like mine :D Everyone and everybody should strive to achieve perfect uniform standards and minimum punishments so as to optimize our performance in Guides. J
The following is none other than the good old drills! I bet everyone knees and arms are getting rusty thanks to the mid years and drills are a good way to energize them up! Furthermore, the highly anticipated Anglican High National Day Parade is coming up and I’m sure everyone wants to join the contingent. While observing the sec2s drills, they were not up to standard as first as I’m sure they’re not used to do drills for so long but after for a while they got better. The sec2s bangs were not bad and they were quite alert in listening to the ICs command. When they started marching, their arm swings weren’t bad too but it can be improved and their ranks need to be neater. Overall I felt that the sec2 drills were not bad considering the fact that they have not done drills for about two months and if they can improve on their marching they can be perfect for NDP! 加油! As for the sec1s drills, I did not really observe them but what I heard from the other ICs that they need to improve on forming contingent and be more alert. Work harder sec1s!
The next activity was modules and I was not there too sadly. But it is on orienteering! Orienteering is a very important skill of a guide and everyone should familiarize themselves with the skills of orienteering. Orienteering can be a fun activity if you make effort to learn the skills and in future actual orienteering sessions like annual hike. Modules were as just the usual. So the ICs came up with some amazing ideas and someone injured her leg. Take care of yourself! I heard that the guides were really enthusiastic about the module and make effort to do the posters and some need to put in more effort! Modules are really beneficial to us guides and I hope in the future everyone can make effort to read up more on it and be enthusiastic :D
Finally it was farewell preparations!!!!! Farewell was arriving and I’m sure everyone wants to make that night memorable but first we need to get our stuffs right J first three and last three patrols were involved in the banner painting and the middle two patrols were involved in painting scary BLACK hair for our door gifts! Minli Ma’am and I were in charged of them. The guides we were in charged of were having fun painting them haha! At the same time Yanyan ma’am and cherlin were taking videos of patrols for the farewell patrols video. At the end of the activity the banners were not very well done and the juniors took quite long to clear up. We hope in the future you guys can always put in effort to the items we assigned to you no matter how slack it is :)
RAWR I’M OFF TO DO PROPOSAL CIAO!-AnnabellaFAREWELL Farewell was a super fun day, we started with the sec 1s and 2s practicing our level performances. The sec 1s practice was quite messy as some of the people acting were just substitutes for the sec 1s who had that role and they had to use the script. Unlike our sec 1 practice, the sec 2s practice was very smooth with no problems halfway. When the sec 1s were acting, I saw that the sec 3 ma’ams were kind of bored with our skit and I was worried that the sec 4s wouldn’t like it.
After practice, we were given 3 minutes to blow up balloons for decoration, then we took our twine and scissors and linked up all the balloons. Jia-En ma’am came to draw the faces on the balloons and along the way, two balloons popped thus, we had to be careful with the balloons even more after that. Then, we followed Charlene ma’am and Ying Yan ma’am to the corridor outside Grotto to get ready to welcome the sec 4 ma’ams! We formed two lines and when the sec 4 ma’ams arrived, we clapped and cheered, then suddenly someone remembered that we needed to run back to the tower hall as soon as possible and we all started running.
It was time for dinner after that, Ixora sat together with Clara i/c (yay!) and Rebecca went to join Flowerpecker. Then, near the end of dinner time, I think two sec 4 ma’ams were doing something when out of the blue, poker cards flew from behind where Ixora was seated, Yun Jin got a shock and yelled. When all the tables were cleaned, we ran back to the tower hall and the sec 1s and 2s had to hide behind the big carpet until the sec 3 ma’ams came out as ghosts to ‘welcome’ the sec 4 ma’ams. As the sec 4 ma’ams came in, two ma’ams discovered us hiding behind the carpet! Soon, the sec 3s (dressed in horror costumes) came out and Min Li ma’am said the cue for us to come out from hiding. As soon as I saw Min Li ma’am’s costume, I laughed a little crazily, her costume was hilarious! She was wearing big glasses and had a cape on her, accompanied with the tone of her voice, I laughed even crazier.
Annabella ma’am, Yan Yan ma’am and a mysterious person performed a dance to the song ‘Nobody’ as the start of our performance for the sec 4s, we were wondering who exactly was the ‘person’ and the next few items were the sec 1 and sec 2s performance and the videos of what we want to tell our dear sec 4 ma’ams. (: Actually, some parts of the sec 1s skit were impromptu, like the part where I knocked out ally/si jin with the microphone. The sec 2 seniors singing was really nice and I hope the sec 4 ma’ams enjoyed the entire performance. :D
After that, we had a ‘walk’ down ‘memory lane’, pictures of the sec 4 ma’ams were shown and I think everyone had a good laugh while watching the video. Then, the teachers i/c gave a speech and at the end, we stacked up the chairs and took down the balloons, we then went to the parade square and sat with our patrols. Everyone lit up their candles and we started talking and giving farewell gifts. I didn’t give my patrol’s sec 4 ma’ams gifts and I felt so guilty and evil about it.
All in all, farewell was really nice, I enjoyed performing for the sec 4 ma’ams and my first experience sitting with my patrol in the night with candlelights was really wonderful.
On Friday, we had farewell! I must admit i was super duper excited before farewell as it was our first time attending it. First we went to the Tower Hall to blow up balloons. We burst about two of them in total. :( After that we have to tie them up together using twine and hang them up on the wall to make them look nice, while we were hanging them up some of the ma'ams hung the banners that we painted the other day.
After that we began to discuss the performance item that we have to do for the sec 4s. And then the sec 1s had a reharsal. At first i thought that we were not really good as the reharsal was sort of in a mess. However at that time, we were missing 7 people and the people who were filling in for them did not know their lines thus the performance was quite messy, but i thought we sang The Climb quite well as we did not use the script. After that the sec 2s had their performance which was very funny. The green wig was very very very funny!!!
Next Charlene ma'am and ying yan ma'am brought us outside the grotto where we lined up in two rows ready to welcome the sec 4s. After they briefed us on what to do they put on white masks and walked away. Soon the sec 4s came and we cheered like crazy for them, after that we went to the towe hall fall in and went to the canteen for dinner.
Before we took food, we had a socalled 'dinnertalk' with the sec 4s. Actually we didnt talk much sunflower patrol was really quiet the sec4s were talking but we only reply what they ask so it was quite awkward. Then it was dinner time!! The sec 4s took food first then sec 2 and 1 then sec 3s. The food was quite nice.
After that we went back to tower hall. At first we hid behind the mats to scare the sec 4s but we got found out because some of the sec 4s came from behind and saw us. After that three sec3s wearing masks danced for a short while and minli ma'am was super funny. After that was the patrol video and the sec 1s turn to perform. I thought we did reasonably well. Then it was the sec 2s turn and the did very well too.
After that we cleared up the place and it was patrol interaction at the parade square.We exchanged presents, and then was dismissal.
- Huiling
Ok, farewell was GREAT! It was practically awesome. I was so proud of all the sec1s and 2s for their dedication and the great performance ;D and was also dam proud of the sec3s for all the hard work and rocking costumes ;D
Ok, so firstly was farewell prep , well, it was preparations ;D so basically. We prepared. And thanks to our outstanding ability to think out of the box, and the wonderful co-operation from the sec3s and juniors, we pulled it off just fine ;D I love the door gift btw. Oh yeahs. FTW! ( in case u might not know, its For The Win ;D )
And next, was the actual farewell ;D what can I say ? it was be-awesome. The seniors came in matching outfits ;D and we did the handphone in the box trick ;D however, the seniors took that time to slack ;D and refused to pick up the phone -.- it had a cool ringtone btw.
So then me and my dear alien-ish escort, lye yingyan brought the seniors to dinner. Which was held on that platform thingy outside/near/behind canteen. It was beautiful, the view I mean ;D and we saw a woodpecker , which totally made MINLI excited ;D and gave all of us a good laugh. Hahas.
Then next up is the performance (: HAHS! Get excited ! the sec3s acted as dead/ half dead/alive looking creatures/dolls/witches/vampires/etc ( not sure what they are ) thingys ;D which totally rock socks ( in case u dun have socks. Then it just totally rocks ;D )
Boo yahs! And our dear sweet Maggie the witch, played the piano , which created a rocking atmosphere. Double boo yahs!
Next up, is the NOBODY performance (: HILARIOUS! Im serious. I got the video I think. U need paper bags when u watch it cause u will hyper ventilate cause u will laugh your ass off ;D ( in case u dun have an ass, u just laugh then ;D ) Rachel was just really funny ;D
Then we had the juniors performance which was really well prepared ;D well done guides! I know u really placed a lot of effort! Continue to work hard (: I know u can do it! And u did! Give yourself a pat on your back.
Okok, then it was the videos. Omg, it was really touching. I look forward to farewell next year alr ;D ( hint.hint )
Lastly was patrol interaction. We had candles glowing and it was actually the perfect atmosphere for emo-ing. But we didn’t have emo music, no emo speeches, so..the mood became quite high ;D we had trouble taking photos though cause everything was, and dark.
Anyways, it was a great day, I enjoyed myself ;D and to ALL readers out there ;D I hoped u enjoyed reading this too(: have fun all! And jiayous!
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
Confucius ( and yes, he is THAT Chinese famous person. )
I assume it would be extremely cliche to start off by saying that farewell made me realize how much I was going to miss my seniors, and how I really can't quite imagine not having them around. Nonetheless, everyone wanted to put in as much effort to make sure that our last activity together would truly be an unforgettable one. Preparations started way before the actual day itself, the ICs being put through a whirlwind of choices and more even decisions. Questions were thrown all over; Would that be too lame? Would they really think that was funny? Would that be too much work? Would that ensure that ALL the seniors got the invitations? From the farewell date and venue itself, to the boiling down of the very balloons to be pasted around the hall, it was clear that the ICs wanted with every fibre of their being for this to be an event to be etched into each and everyone's memory.?
As the day unfolded, we saw everything we fabricated and weaved into our proposal materialize right before us. It was nerve-wrecking, agreed; but it was an excellent time for us (the Sec 3s) to really have a feel of the ropes and how running the company would be like. More importantly, it was rewarding to have the Sec 4 seniors laugh at what we put up, having as much fun as we had hoped they would. Personally, I enjoyed the very last moments of the farewell best. Cracking jokes as a patrol, and deciding whether we wanted to laugh at the joke or not; it was certainly something that I would miss. At the end of the day, although there were no weepy-sobbish tears of goodbye; there was however a pang of sadness, and the tinge of reluctance to drag our weary bodies home. End.
- Yingyan No Sec2s reflection bcus I think my phone cocked up & my msg to ask the 2 sec2s to do a reflection didn't reach 'em :( Heh, such a pity :D
4TH ACTIVITY, 9TH JUNE 2009Today's guides first activity was orienteering.We planned our routes and went off to our stations.I am from orchid patrol and my first station was the bedok stadium.At first i did not feel so tired. However, when we were on our wayto the third station which is red swastica primary school.I was feeling very tired but i know i must endure.When we reached the last station i was feeling quite happy.I knew all of us were tired and really want to head back to school to rest.The road back to school was tough it felt so long.When we finally reached school everybody was really happy and we came in third! We reached school at about 10.10am.50mins before the time we got time to have patrol interaction and rest.Everybody was saying my face was as red as a tomato.Orienteering was tough and tiring but it can really bond our patrol andtrain our endurance.-AllyWe had orienteering on the 9th june and did the usual stuffs, like plotting the map and route etc. when my patrol, DOVE, saw the grid references, we were very shock as our route seems long. After plotting, we started the ‘journey’. Singapore Expo was our first station and we spent around 30min walking to there. Then, we walked to the Post Office which is at Simpang Bedok. After that, we backtracked to Changi General Hospital. Our last stop was the fire station. Overall, my patrol took 1½ hour to complete the whole thing. We were quite satisfied with the timing but we could have done better. While waiting for other patrols, those patrols which had reached started playing among themselves. It was quite fun. :D then, we had drills. It was quite tiring as our legs were shaking. NDP is coming so have to jia you.
Overall, today’s activity was quite tiring. And I learnt a lesson: eat your breakfast before coming for guides. :D-Selinareal uber sorry for the late update Guides!blogger keep cocking up HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.anything under me will screw up.teehee!I WILL UPDATE AGAIN SOON! c:
@ 9:25 PM
# 18 - Patrol Treasurers
Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 11:34 AM
CARNIVAL PREPARATIONSYesterday’s activity was a rather quiet one, partly because there wasn’t any games or PT (or anything which dictated the juniors to scream), and also because many sec 3s went for OBS. How sad. (Just Kidding!)
We had carnival preparation for the entire day so we’d be able to finish everything before Saturday. Activities like Modules were also scrapped to make time for this.. HAHA! Ok anyway.. cutting of badge templates wasn’t very well done (especially the ‘Colours of My Life’ badge). Wow! I feel angry/enraged/livid already. BUT I ALSO FEEL SORRY. HAHA. Ok maybe you’re not supposed to say ‘Haha’ when you’re apologetic. Sorry for not getting the right measurements before we printed the templates. Yay.
Next.. Painting. Now I know what’s the thing called ‘talent’. Some people like Wen Jing can photocopy really well! I seriously don’t see the need for inventions like the scanner and printer or camera or photocopier now. Just kidding! I like to exaggerate a lot.
As far as my dysfunctional brain can properly recall, the banners and posters and mascots were REALLY well done!!! Even though it wasn’t completed in 10 seconds or something, it was still a feat considering the fact that everyone managed to complete the stuff within that one single single single single morning! (Other than minor touch-ups needed here and there)
Before my minuscule brain goes kaput, I shall end off by thanking every one for being socially responsible by not spreading the H1N1 virus!! I wanted to thank every one’s lucky stars but I soon realised we can’t see stars in the day. Heeeeheeeeee.
Oh yes! Before I forget.. I think we should thank MAGGIE for editing and printing the extra 101/102/103 badges (I forgot how many). That probably saved the company from (17 x 1.50) $25.5! YAY HAHA!
I shall end my reflection now.. Regular or irregular reflection?
-Min Li =D Today, we had a few hours of carnival preparations, starting off from the badge-making. Firstly, the juniors were to cut out the badge templates for the ICs to start making the badges. It was pretty amazing that over a hundred badge templates were cut out in a short period of time. Woots!
Next up were the banner, mascot and posters preparations. The sec 1s and 2s were divided into a few groups and each group was given a certain task to work with. The beginning part was sort of disorganized at first, but we still managed to keep to schedule. The banner, which was done by I-can’t-remember-what-patrols, was really really really awesome! Without any supervision, they sketched out the difficult design and did a good job in painting the banner. As for the mascots, they turned out fine (especially the beanie mascot- so cute!) and for the posters, they were well-done. The posters were almost an exact replica of our proposal.
However, the ICs felt that despite the really good quality of the decorations, we still saw some juniors slacking when they could have the initiative to help out their fellow guides. That’s what bonding is all about, yea? Help out each other!
So overall, today’s carnival preparations were successful. Yay!- Jia-En
@ 11:09 AM
WEEKIMWEE CHALLENGE AT CAMP CHRISTINE!On Monday 22nd of June, Mrs Phua, Ms Hafizah, Maggie ma’am, Vivien ma’am, Hwee Fen ma’am, Mandy ma’am, Megan and I had to go to school to prepare for Wee Kim Wee challenge. We had to pack all the ingredients properly, get ready all the equipments required, and prepare the lemon balm drink. After that, we ate our lunch and left school at about 12pm.
The trip to Camp Christine took about an hour. When we reached Camp Christine, we had to wait for South Division (?) to finish before we could start.
At the waiting hall, I was really amazed at the size of the other schools herbs. They were really huge. While waiting, we were playing some games like the 成语game. At about 2.30pm, Megan and I went to a different area to cook while Maggie ma’am and Vivien ma’am went to the main hall to do the menu/informations and the table settings. The cooking and the presentation had to be done in two and a half hours.
Megan and I made some mistakes during the cooking but good thing Mrs Phua was there to remind and tell us our mistakes. Sadly, the end product was not as good as the ones we did during the practice sessions. After cooking and clearing up the place, we quickly rushed to the main hall to help Maggie ma’am and Vivien ma’am. As we did not have enough time to finish the whole menu/ information, we cut short the number of pages and informations we had. At about 5pm, the judging started. We found it weird that the judges did not try the food we cooked. Anyways, after the judging, we packed our stuff and left Camp Christine. Overall, I thought everything was okay and I really hope we would do well.
-EvangelineThe team and the teachers met at 9.30 to weight out the ingredients and prepare the equipments. We also made the Lemon Balm Tea then. It was quite delicious with its variety of flavours. It tasted sweet, sour and had a minty flavour. We checked everything to make sure we had the necessary ingredients and equipments. After some mental preparation, we made our way to Camp Christine, the competition site. We waited for awhile before the competition started. I was the substitute chef and was in charged of cooking the chicken wrapped in bacon. It was challenging as it was my first time attempting to cook the product. I felt that I could have done better in terms of time management. I should have ensured that the chicken was fully cooked too. The whole product tasted very delicious. Overall, I was quite satisfied with our end product(:-Megan
Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 5:42 PM
final summary of duty rosters!
Hihi all
please click on the url below for th finalized summary of all duties, ok? ok! OK!!!
No virus don't worry (i think so. my comp havent crash yet. haha)
NOTE: Angelina, Valerie, Wen Jing would be absent for the Carnival. 3 volunteers please offer to substitute these 3 Guides and sms me at 81857396. Thanks!
One more thing to nag: refer to the Cbox..Min Li wrote some naggy things inside
Tomorrow 8.40am gather in concourse in full guides U. Bring thermometer, pen, waterbottle, mask (optional), carnival coupons.
> Jia-En
Thursday, June 25, 2009 @ 11:27 PM

here's the ahs guides booth duty schedule for G Carnival this Saturday :D
!click to enlarge and take a look (HAHAHAHAH DURHCXZ)
*skips off to drink soya bean*
*skips back agn*
okay i shall high abit here :DD cus ppl say that the previous Logistics snrs both damn ZIHIGH so i shall try to follow suit LOL.
how's elearning for everyone :D i just started today lol!i've been sick you see :( BOO HAHAH!I GOT FLU BTW (!AND IF ANYBODY CARES) :D & the doctor says normal flu and H1N1 symptoms are the even if the clinic doc diagnose you with normal flu YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE SWINE FLU IF YOU NEVER GO TO TANTOCKSENG TO CHECK AND BE SAFE ;D
& i never go check lol!
i might have swine flu boooo (or yay?)
but my fever's gone down,i have a bad running nose and itchy throat only scratch scratch LOL.
+i don't rly think im zihighing zzzzzzzzzZZZzzZzZZzZ shibaizhe D:!+
okay anyw guides (:
how's elearning for everyone!jiayou okie!! =D
okay im tired alr loooool.& i dun think i zh-ed anyway mehcxzcxzxzxz LOLLOLLOL.
Thursday, June 11, 2009 @ 9:39 PM
#19 - Updates :X
2ND ACTIVITY 29TH MAY 2009Cut nails. Tuck in shirt. Clip up hair. Check!
Started off Guides activity with attire check as usual. Was feeling kinda nervous and excited at the same time as we didn’t really know what was in stall for us.
Having grabbed our ponchos and 1.5s, we Sec 2s had our first Physical Training in a long time. I could feel the batch's bond-ness as we shouted and cheered each other on. Although the PT was really tiring, it allowed us to strengthen our bond and endurance, and we all endured through! I felt really accomplished after finishing the 7 sets ;D
Later, we fall-ed in at a classroom and was joined by the Sec 1s. We discussed our patrol farewell gifts for a while and then proceeded to discuss our level item. Hope the Sec 4s will like what we have prepared!
Orchid and Kingfisher then went to the next classroom to paint the carnival mascots! Wohoo! I think the mascot is really cute. Anwyay, we drew and painted according to the proposal and was quite satisfied with our work. Hee ;D
We had a debrief and was dismissed. The ma'ams highlighted that we should be more initiative, have a sense of urgency and most importantly, respectful. I hope we can live up to that standard and put in our best for every activity (:
Am looking forward to the next activity !
-cherlin's reflection! :D don ask why it's scanned in HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH (X3RD ACTIVITY, 2ND JUNE 2009For tuesday, we started off with drills . Drills was somehow disappointing for the sec 1s as some of us had forgotten the commands and ,thus, not performing up to standard. Marching into contingent( I guess its spelled like that) was a big headache for both the sec 3s and us. As some of us was not clear about how we were suppose to march and where we were suppose to march to. Adding to the fact that we were sort of distracted by a flower obstructing our way , which we have to tilt our head while marching in order not to bump into it. A few of us could not hold back our laughter and started giggling among ourselves. After the seniors demonstrated to all of us, how marching into contingent should be done , many times, we managed to improved a little.
After drills, it was preparation for farewell. We split into three groups and started doing what each group was supposed to do. My group was supposed to draw on the white banner and paint it. As time was insufficient, we had to clear up everything, leaving the banner unfinished for the next day. Following that, we prepared our level item. The sec 2s performed first. They had put up a very interesting performance which we all feel that we should take them as our role models and learn from them.
-ClaraAfter the usual falling in and attire check, Sec 2s proceeded to church carpark for the first activity----- drills. We did rather well in the beginning but we did not maintain the standard. Punishment of 10 jumping jacks was implemented for every 5 samulas( is that how you spell it) We lost count of the number of samulas that we had done and this was rather disappointing, but we improved on it =) We were to show our Sec 1s how to march into contingent and we succeeded =D
This drill session was to choose Sec 2s into NDP. Although not everyone was selected yet, but I hope that the entire batch would get in.
Jiayou Sec 2s =D
After drills it was modules. First 4 patrols went to 1 Respect (?) classroom for modules. Firstly, we were to design a poster that will remind us of the precautions when boarding a bus or MRT and as a passenger in the car. Then, we were to perform a skid to show the precautions of a pedestrian. Last but not least, we were to answer questions about orienteering, like labelling the parts of a compass, how to find bearing and finding true north. Points were given for correct answers and dove won =D
Compared to the last 4 patrols, our modules were not done well and there is a lot of room for improvement.
After modules, we painted the banner for farewell. The first 3 patrols painted the black banner. I think that everyone tried to help out in some way, but I felt that we should split the work more evenly among ourselves. Patrols were called out one by one to film their video dedicated to the Sec 4s while the rest help out in the banner.
After the painting of the banner, we rehearsed our level item for farewell. This was the first time that we are really rehearsing the level item so I think it is still quite passable. There are still rooms for improvement for our level item and we shall do our best for level item =)
Overall, I think today’s activities were done quite okay. There are areas that we have improved and there are still areas that we could improve on. Therefore, 大家继续再接再厉。 =D
Equals to no school and more guides! *BEAMS EVEN MORE*
It’s the much awaited June holidays and all of the sec3s were excited as it is our turn to take over Guides activities which are in the morning! (:D)
Well its time for brushing up our juniors’ rusty skills and that’s what today’s activity was about!
First up is…………. Fall in! (As usual) :D we all fall in at 8am bright and sunny and I’m sure the juniors prefer this to normal school days which we have to reach school by 7.25 am! (Gee those extra 30 mins of sleep :] ) It’s a time to check the juniors’ uniform and ours too! FTW to perfect uniform like mine :D Everyone and everybody should strive to achieve perfect uniform standards and minimum punishments so as to optimize our performance in Guides. J
The following is none other than the good old drills! I bet everyone knees and arms are getting rusty thanks to the mid years and drills are a good way to energize them up! Furthermore, the highly anticipated Anglican High National Day Parade is coming up and I’m sure everyone wants to join the contingent. While observing the sec2s drills, they were not up to standard as first as I’m sure they’re not used to do drills for so long but after for a while they got better. The sec2s bangs were not bad and they were quite alert in listening to the ICs command. When they started marching, their arm swings weren’t bad too but it can be improved and their ranks need to be neater. Overall I felt that the sec2 drills were not bad considering the fact that they have not done drills for about two months and if they can improve on their marching they can be perfect for NDP! 加油! As for the sec1s drills, I did not really observe them but what I heard from the other ICs that they need to improve on forming contingent and be more alert. Work harder sec1s!
The next activity was modules and I was not there too sadly. But it is on orienteering! Orienteering is a very important skill of a guide and everyone should familiarize themselves with the skills of orienteering. Orienteering can be a fun activity if you make effort to learn the skills and in future actual orienteering sessions like annual hike. Modules were as just the usual. So the ICs came up with some amazing ideas and someone injured her leg. Take care of yourself! I heard that the guides were really enthusiastic about the module and make effort to do the posters and some need to put in more effort! Modules are really beneficial to us guides and I hope in the future everyone can make effort to read up more on it and be enthusiastic :D
Finally it was farewell preparations!!!!! Farewell was arriving and I’m sure everyone wants to make that night memorable but first we need to get our stuffs right J first three and last three patrols were involved in the banner painting and the middle two patrols were involved in painting scary BLACK hair for our door gifts! Minli Ma’am and I were in charged of them. The guides we were in charged of were having fun painting them haha! At the same time Yanyan ma’am and cherlin were taking videos of patrols for the farewell patrols video. At the end of the activity the banners were not very well done and the juniors took quite long to clear up. We hope in the future you guys can always put in effort to the items we assigned to you no matter how slack it is :)
RAWR I’M OFF TO DO PROPOSAL CIAO!-AnnabellaFAREWELL Farewell was a super fun day, we started with the sec 1s and 2s practicing our level performances. The sec 1s practice was quite messy as some of the people acting were just substitutes for the sec 1s who had that role and they had to use the script. Unlike our sec 1 practice, the sec 2s practice was very smooth with no problems halfway. When the sec 1s were acting, I saw that the sec 3 ma’ams were kind of bored with our skit and I was worried that the sec 4s wouldn’t like it.
After practice, we were given 3 minutes to blow up balloons for decoration, then we took our twine and scissors and linked up all the balloons. Jia-En ma’am came to draw the faces on the balloons and along the way, two balloons popped thus, we had to be careful with the balloons even more after that. Then, we followed Charlene ma’am and Ying Yan ma’am to the corridor outside Grotto to get ready to welcome the sec 4 ma’ams! We formed two lines and when the sec 4 ma’ams arrived, we clapped and cheered, then suddenly someone remembered that we needed to run back to the tower hall as soon as possible and we all started running.
It was time for dinner after that, Ixora sat together with Clara i/c (yay!) and Rebecca went to join Flowerpecker. Then, near the end of dinner time, I think two sec 4 ma’ams were doing something when out of the blue, poker cards flew from behind where Ixora was seated, Yun Jin got a shock and yelled. When all the tables were cleaned, we ran back to the tower hall and the sec 1s and 2s had to hide behind the big carpet until the sec 3 ma’ams came out as ghosts to ‘welcome’ the sec 4 ma’ams. As the sec 4 ma’ams came in, two ma’ams discovered us hiding behind the carpet! Soon, the sec 3s (dressed in horror costumes) came out and Min Li ma’am said the cue for us to come out from hiding. As soon as I saw Min Li ma’am’s costume, I laughed a little crazily, her costume was hilarious! She was wearing big glasses and had a cape on her, accompanied with the tone of her voice, I laughed even crazier.
Annabella ma’am, Yan Yan ma’am and a mysterious person performed a dance to the song ‘Nobody’ as the start of our performance for the sec 4s, we were wondering who exactly was the ‘person’ and the next few items were the sec 1 and sec 2s performance and the videos of what we want to tell our dear sec 4 ma’ams. (: Actually, some parts of the sec 1s skit were impromptu, like the part where I knocked out ally/si jin with the microphone. The sec 2 seniors singing was really nice and I hope the sec 4 ma’ams enjoyed the entire performance. :D
After that, we had a ‘walk’ down ‘memory lane’, pictures of the sec 4 ma’ams were shown and I think everyone had a good laugh while watching the video. Then, the teachers i/c gave a speech and at the end, we stacked up the chairs and took down the balloons, we then went to the parade square and sat with our patrols. Everyone lit up their candles and we started talking and giving farewell gifts. I didn’t give my patrol’s sec 4 ma’ams gifts and I felt so guilty and evil about it.
All in all, farewell was really nice, I enjoyed performing for the sec 4 ma’ams and my first experience sitting with my patrol in the night with candlelights was really wonderful.
On Friday, we had farewell! I must admit i was super duper excited before farewell as it was our first time attending it. First we went to the Tower Hall to blow up balloons. We burst about two of them in total. :( After that we have to tie them up together using twine and hang them up on the wall to make them look nice, while we were hanging them up some of the ma'ams hung the banners that we painted the other day.
After that we began to discuss the performance item that we have to do for the sec 4s. And then the sec 1s had a reharsal. At first i thought that we were not really good as the reharsal was sort of in a mess. However at that time, we were missing 7 people and the people who were filling in for them did not know their lines thus the performance was quite messy, but i thought we sang The Climb quite well as we did not use the script. After that the sec 2s had their performance which was very funny. The green wig was very very very funny!!!
Next Charlene ma'am and ying yan ma'am brought us outside the grotto where we lined up in two rows ready to welcome the sec 4s. After they briefed us on what to do they put on white masks and walked away. Soon the sec 4s came and we cheered like crazy for them, after that we went to the towe hall fall in and went to the canteen for dinner.
Before we took food, we had a socalled 'dinnertalk' with the sec 4s. Actually we didnt talk much sunflower patrol was really quiet the sec4s were talking but we only reply what they ask so it was quite awkward. Then it was dinner time!! The sec 4s took food first then sec 2 and 1 then sec 3s. The food was quite nice.
After that we went back to tower hall. At first we hid behind the mats to scare the sec 4s but we got found out because some of the sec 4s came from behind and saw us. After that three sec3s wearing masks danced for a short while and minli ma'am was super funny. After that was the patrol video and the sec 1s turn to perform. I thought we did reasonably well. Then it was the sec 2s turn and the did very well too.
After that we cleared up the place and it was patrol interaction at the parade square.We exchanged presents, and then was dismissal.
- Huiling
Ok, farewell was GREAT! It was practically awesome. I was so proud of all the sec1s and 2s for their dedication and the great performance ;D and was also dam proud of the sec3s for all the hard work and rocking costumes ;D
Ok, so firstly was farewell prep , well, it was preparations ;D so basically. We prepared. And thanks to our outstanding ability to think out of the box, and the wonderful co-operation from the sec3s and juniors, we pulled it off just fine ;D I love the door gift btw. Oh yeahs. FTW! ( in case u might not know, its For The Win ;D )
And next, was the actual farewell ;D what can I say ? it was be-awesome. The seniors came in matching outfits ;D and we did the handphone in the box trick ;D however, the seniors took that time to slack ;D and refused to pick up the phone -.- it had a cool ringtone btw.
So then me and my dear alien-ish escort, lye yingyan brought the seniors to dinner. Which was held on that platform thingy outside/near/behind canteen. It was beautiful, the view I mean ;D and we saw a woodpecker , which totally made MINLI excited ;D and gave all of us a good laugh. Hahas.
Then next up is the performance (: HAHS! Get excited ! the sec3s acted as dead/ half dead/alive looking creatures/dolls/witches/vampires/etc ( not sure what they are ) thingys ;D which totally rock socks ( in case u dun have socks. Then it just totally rocks ;D )
Boo yahs! And our dear sweet Maggie the witch, played the piano , which created a rocking atmosphere. Double boo yahs!
Next up, is the NOBODY performance (: HILARIOUS! Im serious. I got the video I think. U need paper bags when u watch it cause u will hyper ventilate cause u will laugh your ass off ;D ( in case u dun have an ass, u just laugh then ;D ) Rachel was just really funny ;D
Then we had the juniors performance which was really well prepared ;D well done guides! I know u really placed a lot of effort! Continue to work hard (: I know u can do it! And u did! Give yourself a pat on your back.
Okok, then it was the videos. Omg, it was really touching. I look forward to farewell next year alr ;D ( hint.hint )
Lastly was patrol interaction. We had candles glowing and it was actually the perfect atmosphere for emo-ing. But we didn’t have emo music, no emo speeches, so..the mood became quite high ;D we had trouble taking photos though cause everything was, and dark.
Anyways, it was a great day, I enjoyed myself ;D and to ALL readers out there ;D I hoped u enjoyed reading this too(: have fun all! And jiayous!
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
Confucius ( and yes, he is THAT Chinese famous person. )
I assume it would be extremely cliche to start off by saying that farewell made me realize how much I was going to miss my seniors, and how I really can't quite imagine not having them around. Nonetheless, everyone wanted to put in as much effort to make sure that our last activity together would truly be an unforgettable one. Preparations started way before the actual day itself, the ICs being put through a whirlwind of choices and more even decisions. Questions were thrown all over; Would that be too lame? Would they really think that was funny? Would that be too much work? Would that ensure that ALL the seniors got the invitations? From the farewell date and venue itself, to the boiling down of the very balloons to be pasted around the hall, it was clear that the ICs wanted with every fibre of their being for this to be an event to be etched into each and everyone's memory.?
As the day unfolded, we saw everything we fabricated and weaved into our proposal materialize right before us. It was nerve-wrecking, agreed; but it was an excellent time for us (the Sec 3s) to really have a feel of the ropes and how running the company would be like. More importantly, it was rewarding to have the Sec 4 seniors laugh at what we put up, having as much fun as we had hoped they would. Personally, I enjoyed the very last moments of the farewell best. Cracking jokes as a patrol, and deciding whether we wanted to laugh at the joke or not; it was certainly something that I would miss. At the end of the day, although there were no weepy-sobbish tears of goodbye; there was however a pang of sadness, and the tinge of reluctance to drag our weary bodies home. End.
- Yingyan No Sec2s reflection bcus I think my phone cocked up & my msg to ask the 2 sec2s to do a reflection didn't reach 'em :( Heh, such a pity :D
4TH ACTIVITY, 9TH JUNE 2009Today's guides first activity was orienteering.We planned our routes and went off to our stations.I am from orchid patrol and my first station was the bedok stadium.At first i did not feel so tired. However, when we were on our wayto the third station which is red swastica primary school.I was feeling very tired but i know i must endure.When we reached the last station i was feeling quite happy.I knew all of us were tired and really want to head back to school to rest.The road back to school was tough it felt so long.When we finally reached school everybody was really happy and we came in third! We reached school at about 10.10am.50mins before the time we got time to have patrol interaction and rest.Everybody was saying my face was as red as a tomato.Orienteering was tough and tiring but it can really bond our patrol andtrain our endurance.-AllyWe had orienteering on the 9th june and did the usual stuffs, like plotting the map and route etc. when my patrol, DOVE, saw the grid references, we were very shock as our route seems long. After plotting, we started the ‘journey’. Singapore Expo was our first station and we spent around 30min walking to there. Then, we walked to the Post Office which is at Simpang Bedok. After that, we backtracked to Changi General Hospital. Our last stop was the fire station. Overall, my patrol took 1½ hour to complete the whole thing. We were quite satisfied with the timing but we could have done better. While waiting for other patrols, those patrols which had reached started playing among themselves. It was quite fun. :D then, we had drills. It was quite tiring as our legs were shaking. NDP is coming so have to jia you.
Overall, today’s activity was quite tiring. And I learnt a lesson: eat your breakfast before coming for guides. :D-Selinareal uber sorry for the late update Guides!blogger keep cocking up HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH.anything under me will screw up.teehee!I WILL UPDATE AGAIN SOON! c:
@ 9:25 PM
# 18 - Patrol Treasurers