Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Thursday, November 19, 2009 @ 8:38 PM
Total Defence Bronze [sec 1s]

Hands-on Activity 1- Show & Tell (Individual)
•You are to bring an item, or a picture of an item, that is related to Total Defence (e.g. a first-aid kit or an army beret), and make a 1-min presentation on it.
•Objective: Enhance understanding of each Total Defence aspect and the part that we can play.

Your presentation should cover the following key points:
1.Which aspect(s) of Total Defence is the item related to? How/ Why?
2.What is the function/purpose of this item?
3.How is it usually used? Where can it usually be found?
4.How can you use this item to enhance our Total Defence capability?

Here are some examples below...
ASPECT~Psychological Defence

•Picture of our National Flag/National Symbols
•Picture of our national icons or identifying landmarks (e.g., statue of Sir Stamford Raffles, Merlion, Changi Airport)

ASPECT~Social Defence

•Items pertaining to the various ethnic groups' cultures, festivals, costumes, food, etc
•Demonstration of another ethnic group's cultural practice e.g. ketupat weaving, henna painting, calligraphy.

ASPECT~Civil Defence

•Pictures of a fire suit/hydrant/extinguisher/engine
•Red-cross sign
•First-aid kit
•Pictures/articles/brochure on bomb shelters/shelter exercises

ASPECT~Economic Defence

•Pictures/articles featuring our economic achievements (airport, sea port, financial district, GDP growth, etc)
•Certificate of participation/enrolment in a course to upgrade and improve one's skills/knowledge
•Flyers/brochures publicising courses to improve one's skills/knowledge (e.g., IT/computer course)

ASPECT~Military Defence

•Parts of an SAF uniform (e.g., a beret, army boots, IPPT badge)
•Pictures/articles pertaining to the SAF (e.g., equipment, technology, manpower, training)
•Picture of a family member, relative or friend who is serving National Service

Hands-on Activity 2 - 4
•Objective: Show how the five aspects of Total Defence work together to strengthen Singapore's defence.

Hands-on Activity 2- Model Building (Groupwork)
•In groups of 4-5, you are construct a model or sculpture that represents Total Defence, say, by using newspapers and stationery items like string, glue and tape.
•When the models are ready, team members are to present their model and explain the concept/ideas behind it.

Hands-on Activity 3- Together As One Body Machine (Groupwork)
•In groups of 4-5, form a 'machine' per group, using their body movements. For example, if the group is representing a cake-mixer, one pupil can be the whisk, another the mixing bowl, and so on.
•Alternatively, you can also 'invent' a new machine.
•Team members are to present their machine and explain the concept/ideas behind it. (3 min)

Hands-on Activity 4- Salad Making (Groupwork)
•In groups of 4-5, bring five different types of vegetables/fruits that can be made into a salad.
•Using the 'salad' illustration as a guide, you are to think of three other analogies that can be used to illustrate the importance of Total Defence.

Right, so sec 1s do take note and bring all the things you need to prepare for the hands-on activities except show and tell for 20/11 guides activity. Form your own groups beforehand.
