Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 2:22 AM


1. Thinking Day Banner Design Competition!
- Each guide to submit an individual banner proposal by Monday, 18/1/10, by 7.15am. You can find me in 4J classroom.

- Proposals have to be fully outlined and coloured. (I won't reiterate this point again, it should be understood for all proposals)

- Banners should include the images of 5 Girl Guide/Girl Scout members (including Brownies) in uniform, from the 5 Regions of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (Africa, Arab, Asia Pacific, Europe and Western Hemisphere).

- Name of our Coy and School must be clearly indicated on the banner itself. (anywhere you want)

- No specific theme given, but you can think along the lines of what it means to a guide, relevance to Thinking Day, unity, being prepared etc. Things we do like outdoor cooking, gadget tying, campfires etc are some ideas.

- Be creative and think up of catchy & meaningful slogans!
Example>> "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a UFO? NO! It's a FLYING PIG IN A PINK TUTU!"
[terms "flying pig" & "pink tutu" inspired by jia-en ma'am xD]

Thinking Day is an important day for us guides, as you all know:) Besides being the birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, it's a day where every guide is encouraged to think of other members of the Movement around the world! You can base your design on this as well.
2. Guides Tee Proposal
- Deadline: hand in proposals at the start of cca next Friday, 22/1/10.
- Criteria

-----check again for new updates-----
