Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Thursday, November 11, 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Manito Song


Love my manito yes I do (x3)
Love my manito but I won't tell who
I've got a feeling warm and gay
As she casts her eyes my way
I'll reveal her name one day
But who she is I will not say

Jiayou girrrrrrls~ c:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 @ 3:42 PM
Proposal for Level Item / Patrol Item

Hello Guides!

Hope you've been enjoying your holi-holidays so far! Don't get too stressed over Guides okay!
Anyway, both Sec2s and Sec1s have agreed to do level item for camp. So, in case you'll have forgotten, here are the basic requisites;

(1) For Sec 2, about 5 mins for your item. For Sec 1, your item should be approx 10 minutes.

(2) For Sec 1, your level item MUST be a mime.
No idea what that is? Here is AN EXAMPLE! Haha. Something like that. But remember, music is very important! :D Please put in your best effort as your performance will be marked by the teachers to see whether you all pass/fail your entertainer's badge. Jiayou sec1s.

Anyway, Guides, please pass up your rough proposals for level item.

Sec 2s, by FRIDAY 5/11

Sec 1s, by SUNDAY 7/11 12pm

Send in to Jiaying Ma'am at

Thanks guides.