Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Sunday, July 10, 2011 @ 11:58 PM
Enrollment Ceremony 8/7 2011

Rexanne Yap, Dove Patrol.
It was an awesome day today for all the Sec1 guides because we finally get to be enrolled. We have waited long and hard for this moment and we were excited and nervous to undergo this important ceremony.We talked about it with our other batch mates and confided in each other when in doubt. Reciting the Guide’s honor and Promise with fluency was no mean feat but after weeks and weeks of practicing,we got the hang of it.On the day itself, everyone was very tense and in a state of extreme nervousness, but the seniors helped to loosen the tight knot by leading us in some cheers and songs. We paid close attention to the instructions given in order not to make too many mistakes. Although we tried our best to remember, most of us made a few mistakes here and there, but that could not counter our excitement. As we said our Honour and Promise, we were proud to be officially admitted into the international sisterhood of Guides.After the ceremony, everyone was blissfully happy and relieved. Now that we have become official Girl Guides, I hope we will be able to soar greater heights and accomplish the targets set.

Pung Yun Yee, Kingfisher patrol.

On the day of the enrolment, everybody was very excited to be enrolled and nervous because we were afraid that we would forget our Guides Promise and Honor. We were very excited to wear our Girl Guides uniform too! In the full Guides uniform, we felt very proud and I can say, my batch mates and I were very excited. During the enrolment ceremony, everybody endured with each other in the hot sun, feeling happy that our batch mates were getting enrolled and that we would finally be officially in Guides. That day would be a day to remember in our 4 years in Guides and maybe for our whole life! After the ceremony was closed, all of us were over the moon, knowing that we were officially in Girl Guides and that we were real ‘Sisters’! We bonded through ½ of the year, and now, we treat each other like ourselves, respecting each other’s views! So now, being members of Girl Guides, we will go through thick and thin together, help each other up when we are in not the best of moods and strive to be better and better with each passing day!
That day was the most memorable day for us!

Enrollment photos are on the Ahs GirlGuides facebook account!
If you are a ahsgguide but not yet a friend just sent a friend request!
Will accept it asap!