Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @ 10:20 PM
Sec3s visit to Lion's home

Reflections by Guides

Celine Ong, Sec3, Flowerpecker Patrol

            On Wednesday 23rd May, we sec 3s took our very first profiency badge this year – the Health Supreme badge! It is the 3rd and final badge of the health badge. Beforehand, we had already visited the HealhZone, and we were given instructions to buy $200 worth of ‘healthier choice’ foodstuffs and gift them to an organization.
           We had chosen the Lion’s Home for the elders and we went to the NTUC at East point to buy the products. It was fun – no doubt, minus all the hectic bustling in the NTUC where we pushed numerous trolleys everywhere and getting well, a little too noisy. Finding the right products were easy, but how about finding those with a ‘healthier choice’ sticker pasted on them? Nope, not that easy as you think! In the end, our trolleys were literally filled to the brim with various items such as juices, Milo, butter etc.
           After paying for the items, transporting those millions of bags of items, was well… difficult. But, we did manage, with much struggle at first. We took a 15-min bus ride to the Lion’s Home and we were greeted with friendly staff. We were instructed to go to the office where we handed all the items we brought to the staff and Liqin signed the receipt. After that, we left the Lion’s Home.

Overall, we did not really spend much time in the Lion’s Home but it was surely an unforgettable memory with my batchmates! J In addition, it was a really fulfilling experience as we were able to help the old folks there. Given another chance, I would do that again. J

Ng Li Qin, Sec3, Sparrow Patrol

At first I really didn’t want to go. After all, I did forget to bring the money which I promised to bring and to print out the list of food stuff that Lion’s Home want. I wound up going back to my house to get the money and used Jing Xuan’s phone to write down the list. We rushed to the Simei NTUC to get everything as we had to find quite a number of things and take a bus to Lion’s Home. We got the trolleys, which we desperately needed, and split up to search for the items. It was actually pretty difficult since things that they need like sugar and condensed milk did not come with the healthier choice symbol. In the end, some of us just bought those items without the symbol and paid for it ourselves. It is for charity after all.
We spend around an hour or so in NTUC trying to find everything and pay for it. It came up to a grand sum of around $200! After that, we got out of Eastpoint and went to the bus stop. I brought along a transport guide as none of us knew how to get there. In the end, I led the Guides to the wrong bus stop and realised it only after reading the board at the bus stop so we had to cross the road yet again. We were lucky though. 38 came while we were crossing the road so we managed to catch the bus and reach Lion’s Home at around 4pm which was the time we agreed on.
Honestly, I was just glad that we didn’t get lost given that I have a tendency to get lost, with or without a map. In Lion’s Home, everything was quiet. The seniors there were watching television but they all stared at us when we entered. I suppose they don’t see visitors very often. It’s quite sad knowing that.
The visit was brief, with us entering only to give them the products we bought earlier. I guess it just didn’t really feel like we’re giving anything to them although the food would probably allow the home to use the money on other stuff like entertainment, medicine, care and the likes. Hopefully for all of us, this trip is not merely a thing on their to-do list but an act that will affect something for the better, short term or otherwise.

@ 9:33 PM
Details on Camp Christine's Pave The Path Fundraising project

Hi Guides!
These are the details for the fundraising project mentioned during today's activity.


Collection of Donations
· The card is a record of all donations received.
· A slot should be signed for each $10 donation.
· Girls can share a slot by donating $5 each and can have a maximum of two signatures in the slot. They can donate $20 and sign two slots.
Pebble Signing and the Pebble Path
· The Guide/Brownie can write her name on a pebble to be placed at Camp Christine.
· Girls that are going to the International Camp will have an opportunity to sign their names on the pebble at camp and lay it on the path.
· Girls who want to visit Camp Christine on Wednesday, 6 June between 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. which is the Open Day at International Day and Green Bazaar can also sign the pebbles on that day.
· Companies who plan to visit Camp Christine to sign pebbles can do so up to 31 December 2012.
· Others who are not going to Camp Christine can collect the pebbles from HQ when the card is returned. They can bring the signed pebbles to Camp Christine at their own convenience. Alternatively, they can leave the signed pebbles at HQ if they do not wish to bring them to Camp Christine.

Thank You!

@ 7:54 PM
Readers Badge Details

Hi Guides! The details of the Readers’ Badge are below. Please note the various assignments and deadlines.

Anglican High School Girl Guides
1st Coy East
Proficiency Badge: Readers’ Badge 2012
Marking Rubrics

Name: ____________________________                Class: _____


Reader’s Badge
Task Fulfillment

Clause 1

1.1 Read a book in any language, written by one of the Eastern authors.
School assigned holiday Chinese books
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

1.2 Read a storybook written by one of the Western authors.
Short synopsis/reflection written on chosen book
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

1.3 Read at least 2 books related to Scouting/Guiding
a)     “History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”
b)     “History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View
c)     Any book found in the Girl Guides Room’s Collection
*The first two books can be read online at under “about GGS / history of GGS”
Short synopsis and reflections written on chosen book

Guides to follow the attached template

For a) & b), to be handed in on 26 June (Tuesday)

Clause 2

Read books with different headings (4 out of 6) out of the following:
2.1 Science/nature
2.2 Travel/exploration
2.3 A foreign country
2.4 History
2.5 Biography
2.6 A book of poems
Introduce & share the books read through presentation or comic strip or story board or an A4 size poster to the rest of the patrol members.

To be done in Term 3 Week 4 activity. (10 July, Tuesday)

Clause 3
Show how to use a book of reference and the index of a book.
Covered and shown during GCP.
-        Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

Clause 4

4.1 Read aloud a passage of her own choice from a sacred book. E.g. Bible, Buddhist passages
To be done in patrols:
Record the passages read aloud by each guide and present them in a CD (mp3 files).

To be done in Term 3 Week 4 activity.(10 July, Tuesday)

4.2 Read aloud a passage chosen by the tester.
School oral examinations
-        Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

For clause 1.3, the links for the 2 ebooks [(a) and (b)] can be found below.

“History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”

“History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View”

As for the template for the short synopsis and reflections, please download the document below.

Download this document and type/ write your reflections/ sypnosis into it. Both reflections should be typed/ written out separately and they should be printed out for submission.

For Clause 1, the deadline for the reflections and synopsis for both books is on 26 June, Tuesday.

For Clauses 2 and 4, the deadline will be on 10 July, Tuesday, where you will be sharing within your patrol.

If there are any doubts, please clarify them by smsing Li Qin at 90931489.