Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Monday, January 14, 2013 @ 9:02 PM
Collectors Badge

Hello Guides,

Below is the blog post for Collectors Badge that was posted on July 3rd. I am not sure about all of you but all the July 3rd post do not show up in the archives for July on my computer. Hence, as some of you may need to refer this for various reasons, I have reposted the blog post. All to note that the deadline for the collectors badge is extended to 6th February. Therefore, please hand in your badgework on time. Please see below!

Hi Guides!

Below are the clauses that you will have to complete for your Collectors badge.

Clause 1:

Show a collection made over a period of at least six months of one of the following: stamps, postcards, postmarks, crest or equivalent; the material is to be drawn from many sources as possible.

Discuss with the tester:
1.1 Why she finds this hobby interesting;
1.2 What she has learnt from it;
1.3 How she can develop her interest.

Clause 2:

Pass three of the following clauses:
2.1 Make a scrap-book for a children’s hospital;

2.2 Make a book of pictures, cutting etc; to illustrate World Guiding
(i.e. within and/or outside the Commonwealth);

2.3 (i) Make at least twelve leaf prints; name and mount them; or
- (ii) Make twelve coloured plaster casts of leaves or twigs; or
- (iii) Mount and label a collection of twigs and fruits of at least eight trees, to give to a Company or Pack.

2.4 Make a collection of at least ten objects which would be of interest to a foreign Company or Pack, and descriptive catalogue to accompany it. Pack in a box small enough to be sent aboard by letter post;

2.5 Collect and mount illustrations of six birds that the candidate has seen, together with information concerning each to include:
- (i) A description of the bird; a particular characteristics; where it is likely to be found; and what it feeds on.
- (ii) Its nest and eggs.

2.6 Make a collection of eighteen wild flowers with their leaves; press, mount and name them.

2.7 Take a set of 15 photographs on a subject of her choice.
Note: The collection is to judge on neatness and method in arrangement and on the interest shown in it by the candidate.

The deadline for the Collectors badge will be next January but the date of submission will be confirmed next year.


Li Qin