Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Friday, June 14, 2013 @ 8:54 PM

Hey Guides! This is the rubrics and clauses of Toymaker's badge that you would need to complete during the holidays.

Toymaker's Badge
Task Fulfillment
Clause 1
1.     Make a toy of her choice and explain how it can be used for performance / use at a visit to an old folks’ home, childrens’ home etc
·         To complete at home & write a short description on the toy.
·         To present to the company how the toy can be played for the mentioned purpose.

Clause 2

2.     Pass two of the following:
2.1               Make two different animals of some soft material, or one material of one animal and one rag doll, the face to be painted or embroidered. Cut-out patterns may be used.
2.2               Make two different vehicles with movable wheels from wood, cork or other material.
2.3               Make a wool ball on card frame and a bird or beast with scraps of coloured wool, suitable for a tiny baby.
2.4               Dress a doll, the clothes to be removable and similar to those of a baby or toddler. The doll may be that submitted in clause (2.1).
2.5               Make a room of doll’s house from a box; paint, paper and furnish it completely, using oddments and scraps.
2.6               Make a scrapbook to include one page of original illustrations or an original story, e.g. a fairy story, nature story, heroic story.
2.7               Make a model farmyard or doll’s house.
To present to the company how the toy can be played for the mentioned purpose.

The deadline will be on 3rd July, Wedneday.
Should there be any questions regarding any badges, please sms Rexanne at 96521741.
Good Luck!!

@ 8:49 PM

Hi Guides!
Below are the tasks that you will have to complete for Hand Craft badge.

Hand Craft Badge
Task Fulfillment

Clause 1
1  Make a useful item involving the following skills:
1.1          Knitting
1.2          Crocheting
1.3          Weaving
1.4          Knotting
1.5          Patchwork
·         To complete at home and hand it in in good quality.
·         To present to their patrol how the craft can be used for the mentioned purpose.

Clause 2

2 Make 3 useful or ornamental articles involving the:
2.1          Wood
2.2          Clay
2.3          Plastics
2.4          Leather or equivalent materials
·         To complete all three crafts and see to it that the crafts are of good quality.

The deadline will be on 10th July, Wedneday.
Should there be any questions regarding any badges, please sms Rexanne at 96521741.
Good Luck!!

@ 8:36 PM

 Attached is the individual guide order list for this year's annual cookie sales. Last year,The Guides company at Anglican High scored a record $845 in commissions, selling 1,392 tins. It is highly encouraged for every guides to do their best in their cookie sales this year too. We can definitely break last year's record ;) The cookie sales is a very traditional guiding event, and I hope that you can embrace that honour and pride as a Girl Guide as you sell your cookies. Good luck and have fun!!;D


Rexanne (◕‿◕✿)

Link to template:

Those with queries, please clarify with the cookie sales OICs

Celeste – 84674554
Adeline – 93299661

Xing Yi – 94746700

Thursday, June 6, 2013 @ 6:37 PM

Readers' Badge

Hi Guides! The details of the Readers’ Badge are below. Please note the various assignments and deadlines.

Reader’s Badge
Task Fulfillment

Clause 1

1.1 Read a book in any language, written by one of the Eastern authors.
School  has assigned holiday Chinese   books
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.2 Read a storybook written by one of the Western authors.
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.3 Read at least 2 books related to Scouting/Guiding
 a)History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”
 b)History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View
 c)Any book found in the Girl Guides Room’s Collection
*The first two books can be read online at under “about GGS / history of GGS"
Short synopsis and reflections written on chosen book

Guides to follow the attached template

For a) & b), to be handed in on 3rd July (Wednesday)

Clause 2

Read books with different headings (4 out of 6) out of the following:
2.1 Science/nature
2.2 Travel/exploration
2.3 A foreign country
2.4 History
2.5 Biography
2.6 A book of poems
Introduce & share the books read through presentation or comic strip or story board or an A4 size poster to the rest of the patrol members.

To be done in Term 3 Week 1 activity. (3rd July, Wednesday)
Clause 3
Show how to use a book of reference and the index of a book.
Covered and shown during GCP.
-    Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

Clause 4

4.1 Read aloud a passage of her own choice from a sacred book. E.g. Bible, Buddhist passages
To be done in patrols:
Record the passages read aloud by each guide and present them in a CD (mp3 files).
To be done in Term 3 Week 1 activity.(3rd July, Wednesday)
4.2 Read aloud a passage chosen by the tester.
School oral examinations
      Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

For clause 1.3, the links for the 2 ebooks (a) and (b) can be found below:

“History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”

“History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View”

As for the template for the short synopsis and reflections, please download the document below.

Download this document and type/ write your reflections/ sypnosis into it. Both reflections should be typed/ written out separately and they should be printed out for submission.

For Clause 1, the deadline for the reflections and synopsis for both books is on 3rd July, Wednesday.

For Clauses 2 and 4, the deadline will be on 3rd July, Wednesday, where you will be sharing within your patrol.

If there are any doubts, please clarify them by messaging Rexanne at 96521741.

Celeste (: