Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Friday, July 5, 2013 @ 11:10 PM
Re-upload of Reader's Badge

Readers' Badge

Due to some juniors feedback that they cannot see the previous blog post, I have posted a copy of the rubrics. If you access the archives box in the left corner of the blog, you would be able to view old posts. I hope you would take note of what the guiders had said at today's debrief and I do not wish to see the same mistakes being repeated again.

Hi Guides! The details of the Readers’ Badge are below. Please note the various assignments and deadlines.

Reader’s Badge
Task Fulfillment

Clause 1

1.1 Read a book in any language, written by one of the Eastern authors.
School  has assigned holiday Chinese   books
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.2 Read a storybook written by one of the Western authors.
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.3 Read at least 2 books related to Scouting/Guiding
 a)History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”
 b)History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View
 c)Any book found in the Girl Guides Room’s Collection
*The first two books can be read online at under “about GGS / history of GGS"
Short synopsis and reflections written on chosen book

Guides to follow the attached template

For a) & b), to be handed in on 3rd July (Wednesday)

Clause 2

Read books with different headings (4 out of 6) out of the following:
2.1 Science/nature
2.2 Travel/exploration
2.3 A foreign country
2.4 History
2.5 Biography
2.6 A book of poems
Introduce & share the books read through presentation or comic strip or story board or an A4 size poster to the rest of the patrol members.

To be done in Term 3 Week 1 activity. (3rd July, Wednesday)
Clause 3
Show how to use a book of reference and the index of a book.
Covered and shown during GCP.
-    Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

Clause 4

4.1 Read aloud a passage of her own choice from a sacred book. E.g. Bible, Buddhist passages
To be done in patrols:
Record the passages read aloud by each guide and present them in a CD (mp3 files).
To be done in Term 3 Week 1 activity.(3rd July, Wednesday)
4.2 Read aloud a passage chosen by the tester.
School oral examinations
      Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level

For clause 1.3, the links for the 2 ebooks (a) and (b) can be found below:

“History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”

“History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View”

As for the template for the short synopsis and reflections, please download the document below.

Download this document and type/ write your reflections/ sypnosis into it. Both reflections should be typed/ written out separately and they should be printed out for submission.

For Clause 1, the deadline for the reflections and synopsis for both books is on 3rd July, Wednesday.

For Clauses 2 and 4, the deadline will be on 3rd July, Wednesday, where you will be sharing within your patrol.

The FINAL deadline for submission is 10 July 2013. Late submissions will not be entertained.

If there are any doubts, please clarify them by messaging Rexanne at 96521741.

Thursday, July 4, 2013 @ 11:52 PM
Hostess' Badge Details and Clauses

Hello Sec 1s! The clauses and task fulfilment for Hostess' Badge will be uploaded to this website:
Please download it and print it out for your own easy reference.

Do note that you have to bring your own items and materials for this badge on the test day. Try not to borrow another guide's materials as it will affect points for originality. Since you are to do an afternoon tea party, you would need a real tea set, cutlery, decorations and ONE FOODSTUFF.

 Be mindful of the overall table layout, etiquette  and your theme for the afternoon tea party as it will affect your scores for Hostess' badge.

Remember to submit your invitation cards and letters of refusal as well. The sec 3s and the Guiders will be judging your tea party on the test day so be prepared!

The test day will be on 31 July

If you have any doubts on the badge, please do not hesitate to contact Rexanne at 96521741.

Have fun planning your tea party!
Good luck!

@ 11:30 PM
Speaker's Badge Clauses

Hi Sec 2s!

Below is the clause that you will have to prepare beforehand for Speakers Badge.

Clause 1:
Say from memory a short poem or passage of verse of her choice, lasting not less than one minute and not more than two minutes.

Clause 3.2:
Speak for not less than three minutes on a subject given to her five minutes beforehand.

As the rest of the clauses have been either covered by the school or will be given to you on the day itself, you will only have to prepare clause 1.

Here are rubrics that you can refer to to enhance your speech.

Performance Element
Distinguished (9-10)
Proficient (7-8)
Novice (0-3)
Awareness of Audience
  • Significantly increases audience understanding and knowledge of topic;
  • Effectively convinces an audience to recognize the validity of a point of view.
  • Raises audience understanding and awareness of most points;
  • Clear point of view, but development or support is inconclusive and incomplete.
  • Raises audience understanding and knowledge of some points;
  • Point of view may be clear, but lacks development or support.
  • Fails to increase audience understanding or knowledge of topic.
  • Fails to effectively convince the audience.

Strength of Material, Organization
  • Clear purpose and subject;
  • Pertinent examples, facts, and/or statistics;
  • Conclusions/ideas are supported by evidence;
  • Major ideas summarized and audience left with full understanding of presenter's position.
  • Has some success defining purpose and subject;
  • Some examples, facts, and/or statistics support the subject;
  • Includes some data or evidence which supports conclusions or ideas;
  • May need to refine summary or final idea.
  • Attempts to define purpose and subject;
  • Weak examples, facts, and/or statistics, which do not adequately support the subject;
  • Includes very thin data or evidence in support of ideas or conclusions;
  • Major ideas may need to be summarized or audience is left with vague idea to remember.
  • Subject and purpose are not clearly defined;
  • Very weak or no support of subject through use of examples, facts, and/or statistics;
  • Totally insufficient support for ideas or conclusions. Major ideas left unclear, audience left with no new ideas.

  • Relaxed, self-confident and appropriately dressed for purpose or audience;
  • Builds trust and holds attention by direct eye contact with all parts of audience;
  • Fluctuation in volume and inflection help to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points;
  • Quick recovery from minor mistakes;
  • Appropriately dressed;
  • Fairly consistent use of direct eye contact with audience;
  • Satisfactory variation of volume and inflection.
  • Some tension or indifference apparent and possible inappropriate dress for purpose or audience;
  • Occasional but unsustained eye contact with audience;
  • Uneven volume with little or no inflection.
  • Nervous tension obvious and/or inappropriately dressed for purpose or audience:
  • No effort to make eye contact with audience;
  • Low volume and/or monotonous tone cause audience to disengage.

Your Speakers badge test will be held on the 31 July 2012.

If you have any doubts on the badge, please do not hesitate to contact Rexanne at 96521741.
Good Luck!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013 @ 7:45 PM
cookie sales duty roster

Hi Guides! This is the duty roster for the booth which will be set up in the concourse during mental break, both lower sec and upper sec lunch breaks and after school to collect orders for the cookies.
Duty time table:

Guides on duty
Mental break (0955 – 1015)
3rd – 4th July
(Wednesday – Thursday)
Manning booth:
In canteen advertising: Francesca, Tanya

5th & 8th July
(Friday & Monday)
Xing Yi
Manning booth:
Xing Yi
In canteen advertising: Ci Fang, Kristie

9th – 10th July
(Tuesday – Wednesday)
Manning booth:
In canteen advertising: Bernie, Yun Yee
Lower Sec Lunch
(1030 - 1050)
3rd – 4th July
(Wednesday – Thursday)
Manning booth:
In canteen advertising: Evin, Grace

5th & 8th July
(Friday & Monday)
Manning booth:
In canteen advertising: Li Ying (sec 2), Hui Min

9th – 10th July
(Tuesday – Wednesday)
Yin Shyn
Manning booth:
Yin Shyn
In canteen advertising: Nicole, Evin
Upper Sec Lunch (1250 - 1310)
3rd – 4th July
(Wednesday – Thursday)
Manning booth:
In canteen advertising: Yee Shuen, Kalista

5th & 8th July
(Friday & Monday)
Manning booth:
In canteen advertising: Rexanne, Li Ying

9th – 10th July
(Tuesday – Wednesday)
Xing Yi
Manning booth:
Xing Yi
In canteen advertising : Apple, Celine
After school  (1610 – 1645)
3rd – 4th July
(Wednesday – Thursday)
Manning booth:
Celeste, Yan Hui

5th & 8th July
(Friday & Monday)
Xing Yi
Manning booth:
Xing Yi, Qi Rou

9th – 10th July
(Tuesday – Wednesday)
Manning booth:
Adeline, Kirsty
Guides are NOT ALLOWED to sell to teachers. Full amount of money is to be collected upon ordering. If you are unable to clarify customers’ doubts, contact the oics immediately. Sec two ics have to collect the order list from the previous ic that day and return it to Xing Yi at 3E classroom after lunch. Those that are not selected to help out at the booth are also welcomed!

Adeline – 93299661
Celeste – 84674554
Xing Yi – 94746700

Xing Yi ^^