Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Thursday, July 4, 2013 @ 11:30 PM
Speaker's Badge Clauses

Hi Sec 2s!

Below is the clause that you will have to prepare beforehand for Speakers Badge.

Clause 1:
Say from memory a short poem or passage of verse of her choice, lasting not less than one minute and not more than two minutes.

Clause 3.2:
Speak for not less than three minutes on a subject given to her five minutes beforehand.

As the rest of the clauses have been either covered by the school or will be given to you on the day itself, you will only have to prepare clause 1.

Here are rubrics that you can refer to to enhance your speech.

Performance Element
Distinguished (9-10)
Proficient (7-8)
Novice (0-3)
Awareness of Audience
  • Significantly increases audience understanding and knowledge of topic;
  • Effectively convinces an audience to recognize the validity of a point of view.
  • Raises audience understanding and awareness of most points;
  • Clear point of view, but development or support is inconclusive and incomplete.
  • Raises audience understanding and knowledge of some points;
  • Point of view may be clear, but lacks development or support.
  • Fails to increase audience understanding or knowledge of topic.
  • Fails to effectively convince the audience.

Strength of Material, Organization
  • Clear purpose and subject;
  • Pertinent examples, facts, and/or statistics;
  • Conclusions/ideas are supported by evidence;
  • Major ideas summarized and audience left with full understanding of presenter's position.
  • Has some success defining purpose and subject;
  • Some examples, facts, and/or statistics support the subject;
  • Includes some data or evidence which supports conclusions or ideas;
  • May need to refine summary or final idea.
  • Attempts to define purpose and subject;
  • Weak examples, facts, and/or statistics, which do not adequately support the subject;
  • Includes very thin data or evidence in support of ideas or conclusions;
  • Major ideas may need to be summarized or audience is left with vague idea to remember.
  • Subject and purpose are not clearly defined;
  • Very weak or no support of subject through use of examples, facts, and/or statistics;
  • Totally insufficient support for ideas or conclusions. Major ideas left unclear, audience left with no new ideas.

  • Relaxed, self-confident and appropriately dressed for purpose or audience;
  • Builds trust and holds attention by direct eye contact with all parts of audience;
  • Fluctuation in volume and inflection help to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points;
  • Quick recovery from minor mistakes;
  • Appropriately dressed;
  • Fairly consistent use of direct eye contact with audience;
  • Satisfactory variation of volume and inflection.
  • Some tension or indifference apparent and possible inappropriate dress for purpose or audience;
  • Occasional but unsustained eye contact with audience;
  • Uneven volume with little or no inflection.
  • Nervous tension obvious and/or inappropriately dressed for purpose or audience:
  • No effort to make eye contact with audience;
  • Low volume and/or monotonous tone cause audience to disengage.

Your Speakers badge test will be held on the 31 July 2012.

If you have any doubts on the badge, please do not hesitate to contact Rexanne at 96521741.
Good Luck!
