Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Friday, March 28, 2014 @ 9:38 PM
COH 2014-2015 Elections

Hi Guides!

Well, as you all know, Handover is next week! Therefore, everyone in the Company will be required to vote for the COH 2014.

For the benefit of Sec 1s, COH refers to the Court-of-Honour and it comprises of the top 8 (Logistics I/C, 2 Quarter mistresses, NYAA/VIA Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Company Leader and Company leader), Patrol Leaders as well as select Patrol Seconds. 

The next COH will be running the Company for year 2013 to 2014 and are basically your Sec 3 seniors. Therefore, it is essential that you choose your next COH wisely. In addition, you will be asked to choose your Patrol Second, who are the ones to pass down patrol messages and take care of the patrol in general. 

Should you meet with any difficulties in choosing, please approach your Sec 2 or Sec 3 seniors to give you some advice. 

As for the Sec 2s and 3s, do note that you may choose a Patrol Second/Leader that is not from your patrol should you feel that none of your patrolmates are up to the task. However, it is encouraged to choose someone from your patrol.

Lastly, a note for the Sec 3s. As there are 17 of you in the batch, 1 person will have to be Patrol Second. Hence, when you fill in the grid table later, please choose 1 of your batchmates to be Patrol Seconds, 8 Patrol Leaders, 1 Logistic IC, 2 QM, 1 NYAA/VIA Coordinator, 1 Treasurer, 1 Secretary, 1 ACL and 1 CL. Do bear in mind the traits required to do the various jobs and fit your batchmates in as best as you could. 

This is the link for the form:
*Should any of you like to change your choices after submitting the form, please text Rexanne ma'am again before doing so. 

Please note that you can only submit your votes once, and late votes or prank/multiple votes would  NOT be accounted for.

Deadline for the form to be submitted is this Sunday, 30 March 2014.

Thank You!