Tuesday, June 10, 2014 @ 6:20 PM
Cookie Sales! :)
Hi Guides!
Attached is the individual guide order list for cookie sales this year. There are 3 flavours this year, Choco Cream, Choco Mint and Cornflakes, and each tin is $12. Per guide to sell 25 tins, please try your best to do so! (:
Please take note that you are not allowed to get orders from teachers and sec 4 guides seniors, and make sure that you collect the full amount of money to minimise confusion. Money collected must be kept in a white envelope with your name, class, patrol and amount of money written on it. Keep a photocopied order list with you when you submit the cookie order list with the money.
The rationale behind selling Girl Guides cookies is to fund guides' activities all over the world and help serve the community. The due date for cookie sales is 9th July 2014, Wednesday.
Link to template:
Should you have any queries, please contact the Cookie Sales OICs.
Ilena - 81276860
Grace - 91075076
Please take note of the due date and hurry sell your cookies! All the best!! :D
Sunday, June 8, 2014 @ 8:14 PM
Readers' Badge
Hi sec 1s!
Below are the clauses of the Readers’ Badge.
Anglican High School Girl Guides
1st Coy East
Proficiency Badge: Readers’ Badge 2014
Marking Rubrics
Name: ____________________________ Class: _____
Reader’s Badge
Task Fulfillment
Clause 1
1.1 Read a book in any language, written by one of the Eastern authors.
School assigned holiday Chinese books
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.2 Read a storybook written by one of the Western authors.
Short synopsis/reflection written on chosen book
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.3 Read at least 2 books related to Scouting/Guiding
a) “History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”
b) “History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View
c) Any book found in the Girl Guides Room’s Collection
Short synopsis and reflections written on chosen book
Guides to follow the attached template
For a) & b), to be handed in on 26 June (Tuesday)
Clause 2
Read books with different headings (4 out of 6) out of the following:
2.1 Science/nature
2.2 Travel/exploration
2.3 A foreign country
2.4 History
2.5 Biography
2.6 A book of poems
Introduce & share the books read through presentation or comic strip or story board or an A4 size poster to the rest of the patrol members.
To be done in Term 3 Week 4 activity. (10 July, Tuesday)
Clause 3
Show how to use a book of reference and the index of a book.
Covered and shown during GCP.
- Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
Clause 4
4.1 Read aloud a passage of her own choice from a sacred book. E.g. Bible, Buddhist passages
To be done in patrols:
Record the passages read aloud by each guide and present them in a CD (mp3 files).
To be done in Term 3 Week 4 activity.(10 July, Tuesday)
4.2 Read aloud a passage chosen by the tester.
School oral examinations
- Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
For clause 1.3, the links for the 2 ebooks [(a) and (b)] can be found below.
For Clause 1, the reflections and synopsis for both books are to be printed out and passed up on 30th July 2014.
For Clauses 2 and 4, you will be sharing within your patrol on 30th July 2014.
Should there be any clarifications, please text Nicole ma'am/Christy ma'am.
Jiayou! (:
@ 8:02 PM
Thrift Badge
Hi sec 1s!
Below are the clauses that you will have to complete to attain the Thrift Badge.
1. Having a savings account of at least 3 months’ standing and show that you have added to it regularly from your savings or pocket money.
2. Bring a certificate from her parents stating that you are not wasteful in the home and is keeping your belongings in good condition.
3. Keep a notebook over a period of at least a month of ways in which you are able to put thrift into practice.
Please print out the Savings Account Template (link below) and fill it in for clause 1.
You will have to complete all the clauses and hand it in on 17th October, Friday.
Should there be any clarifications, please text Christy ma'am/Nicole ma'am.
Jiayou! (:
@ 1:29 PM
Handcraft Badge
Hi sec 2s!
Below are the clauses you need to complete to attain the Handcraft badge.
1. Make a useful item involving the following skills:
1.1 Knitting
1.2 Crocheting
1.3 Weaving
1.4 Knotting
1.5 Patchwork
2. Make 3 useful or ornamental articles involving the:
2.1 Wood
2.2 Clay
2.3 Plastics
2.4 Leather or equivalent materials
All completed clauses to be brought on 30th July, Friday labelled with name, patrol and clause
Should there be clarifications, please text Nicole ma'am/Christy ma'am.
Jiayou! (:
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 @ 9:30 PM
Training Camp Packing List
Hi Sec 1s, please refer below for your training camp packing list.
Training Camp 2013 Equipment List
Items to pack (INDIVIDUAL) – Day One
Have I packed?
Twigs, Husk , Kindlings
(put in NTUC bag)
1, 1, 1 respectively
Dark Coloured Tee (no prints bigger than palm size, best is no print)
PE tee
PE shorts
Sufficient Supply
Strap sandals
1 pair
Personal Toiletries (eg. Sanitary pads, bath foam, shampoo)
Sufficient Supply
Plasters, personal medication
Sufficient Supply
Twine, Scissors
2 Balls, 1 scissors
1.5 Bottle
Meal Bag (fork, spoon, mug, dinner plate), FULLY LABELLED
Patrol Identity
Sufficient supply
Items to pack (PER PATROL)
Have WE packed?
Solid Fuel Tablets
2 Boxes
2 Tubes
2 Boxes
5cm thick
Aluminum Foil (longest)
1 Box
Patrol Flag, Watch
1 Each
Knife, cutting utensils, chopping board, etc
Sufficient supply
Seasonings (salt, sugar, pepper, sauces)
Sufficient supply
Sponge, Detergent
Sufficient supply
Pail, Scoop
1 each
Food Items
Sufficient amount
Items to pack (INDIVIDUAL) – Day Two
Suggested Quantity
Have I Packed?
Plasters, personal medication
Sufficient supply
Twine, Scissors
2 ball, 1 scissors
1.5 Bottle
Disposable Wooden Chopsticks
1 pair
Needle and Dark-Coloured Thread
1, 1
Sufficient supply
*All Guides is expected to bring EVERYTHING stated in equipment list.
*Do NOT bring other unnecessary items such as sweets and snacks.
*Attire quantity excludes attire to fall in on first day.
*Label all belongings.
*Put all undergarments in red plastic bag.
We will inform you again if there are any changes to the list above.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014 @ 6:20 PM
Cookie Sales! :)
Hi Guides!
Attached is the individual guide order list for cookie sales this year. There are 3 flavours this year, Choco Cream, Choco Mint and Cornflakes, and each tin is $12. Per guide to sell 25 tins, please try your best to do so! (:
Please take note that you are not allowed to get orders from teachers and sec 4 guides seniors, and make sure that you collect the full amount of money to minimise confusion. Money collected must be kept in a white envelope with your name, class, patrol and amount of money written on it. Keep a photocopied order list with you when you submit the cookie order list with the money.
The rationale behind selling Girl Guides cookies is to fund guides' activities all over the world and help serve the community. The due date for cookie sales is 9th July 2014, Wednesday.
Link to template:
Should you have any queries, please contact the Cookie Sales OICs.
Ilena - 81276860
Grace - 91075076
Please take note of the due date and hurry sell your cookies! All the best!! :D
Sunday, June 8, 2014 @ 8:14 PM
Readers' Badge
Hi sec 1s!
Below are the clauses of the Readers’ Badge.
Anglican High School Girl Guides
1st Coy East
Proficiency Badge: Readers’ Badge 2014
Marking Rubrics
Name: ____________________________ Class: _____
Reader’s Badge
Task Fulfillment
Clause 1
1.1 Read a book in any language, written by one of the Eastern authors.
School assigned holiday Chinese books
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.2 Read a storybook written by one of the Western authors.
Short synopsis/reflection written on chosen book
Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
1.3 Read at least 2 books related to Scouting/Guiding
a) “History of Girl Guides Singapore – Milestones & Achievements”
b) “History of Girl Guides Singapore – Chronological View
c) Any book found in the Girl Guides Room’s Collection
Short synopsis and reflections written on chosen book
Guides to follow the attached template
For a) & b), to be handed in on 26 June (Tuesday)
Clause 2
Read books with different headings (4 out of 6) out of the following:
2.1 Science/nature
2.2 Travel/exploration
2.3 A foreign country
2.4 History
2.5 Biography
2.6 A book of poems
Introduce & share the books read through presentation or comic strip or story board or an A4 size poster to the rest of the patrol members.
To be done in Term 3 Week 4 activity. (10 July, Tuesday)
Clause 3
Show how to use a book of reference and the index of a book.
Covered and shown during GCP.
- Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
Clause 4
4.1 Read aloud a passage of her own choice from a sacred book. E.g. Bible, Buddhist passages
To be done in patrols:
Record the passages read aloud by each guide and present them in a CD (mp3 files).
To be done in Term 3 Week 4 activity.(10 July, Tuesday)
4.2 Read aloud a passage chosen by the tester.
School oral examinations
- Guides need not do this, as it is done at school level
For clause 1.3, the links for the 2 ebooks [(a) and (b)] can be found below.
For Clause 1, the reflections and synopsis for both books are to be printed out and passed up on 30th July 2014.
For Clauses 2 and 4, you will be sharing within your patrol on 30th July 2014.
Should there be any clarifications, please text Nicole ma'am/Christy ma'am.
Jiayou! (:
@ 8:02 PM
Thrift Badge
Hi sec 1s!
Below are the clauses that you will have to complete to attain the Thrift Badge.
1. Having a savings account of at least 3 months’ standing and show that you have added to it regularly from your savings or pocket money.
2. Bring a certificate from her parents stating that you are not wasteful in the home and is keeping your belongings in good condition.
3. Keep a notebook over a period of at least a month of ways in which you are able to put thrift into practice.
Please print out the Savings Account Template (link below) and fill it in for clause 1.
You will have to complete all the clauses and hand it in on 17th October, Friday.
Should there be any clarifications, please text Christy ma'am/Nicole ma'am.
Jiayou! (:
@ 1:29 PM
Handcraft Badge
Hi sec 2s!
Below are the clauses you need to complete to attain the Handcraft badge.
1. Make a useful item involving the following skills:
1.1 Knitting
1.2 Crocheting
1.3 Weaving
1.4 Knotting
1.5 Patchwork
2. Make 3 useful or ornamental articles involving the:
2.1 Wood
2.2 Clay
2.3 Plastics
2.4 Leather or equivalent materials
All completed clauses to be brought on 30th July, Friday labelled with name, patrol and clause
Should there be clarifications, please text Nicole ma'am/Christy ma'am.
Jiayou! (:
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 @ 9:30 PM
Training Camp Packing List
Hi Sec 1s, please refer below for your training camp packing list.
Training Camp 2013 Equipment List
Items to pack (INDIVIDUAL) – Day One
Have I packed?
Twigs, Husk , Kindlings
(put in NTUC bag)
1, 1, 1 respectively
Dark Coloured Tee (no prints bigger than palm size, best is no print)
PE tee
PE shorts
Sufficient Supply
Strap sandals
1 pair
Personal Toiletries (eg. Sanitary pads, bath foam, shampoo)
Sufficient Supply
Plasters, personal medication
Sufficient Supply
Twine, Scissors
2 Balls, 1 scissors
1.5 Bottle
Meal Bag (fork, spoon, mug, dinner plate), FULLY LABELLED
Patrol Identity
Sufficient supply
Items to pack (PER PATROL)
Have WE packed?
Solid Fuel Tablets
2 Boxes
2 Tubes
2 Boxes
5cm thick
Aluminum Foil (longest)
1 Box
Patrol Flag, Watch
1 Each
Knife, cutting utensils, chopping board, etc
Sufficient supply
Seasonings (salt, sugar, pepper, sauces)
Sufficient supply
Sponge, Detergent
Sufficient supply
Pail, Scoop
1 each
Food Items
Sufficient amount
Items to pack (INDIVIDUAL) – Day Two
Suggested Quantity
Have I Packed?
Plasters, personal medication
Sufficient supply
Twine, Scissors
2 ball, 1 scissors
1.5 Bottle
Disposable Wooden Chopsticks
1 pair
Needle and Dark-Coloured Thread
1, 1
Sufficient supply
*All Guides is expected to bring EVERYTHING stated in equipment list.
*Do NOT bring other unnecessary items such as sweets and snacks.
*Attire quantity excludes attire to fall in on first day.
*Label all belongings.
*Put all undergarments in red plastic bag.
We will inform you again if there are any changes to the list above.