Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014 @ 5:31 PM
Shift Duty for Cookie Promoting

Hi Guides!

  Please refer to the table below for your shift duty from 4 July to 8 July. Sec 1s and 2s to set up booth during lower secondary refresh, and Sec 3s to set up booth during upper secondary lunch. Booth I/Cs to collect and return promoting materials from Ilena ma'am at Class 3G at the start and end of your duty respectively. Booth I/Cs or promoters to prepare a table at concourse for the booth. Please be more enthusiastic when you approach people and remember to be friendly and smile at them!

Booth I/Cs
Promoter in Canteen
4 July
Yun Xuan

Kelly (sec 1), Renee, Janice

Hui Min, Nicole, Li Ying
8 July
Wen Yi

Yi Xin, Chloe(sec 2), Cassandra

Yee Lin, Grace, Zhi Wei
9 July
Hui Cheng

Chloe (sec 1), Wyning, Sheryl

Ilena, Alyssia, Yin Shyn
  If you are unable to go for your shift, please change with your batchmates and let Grace ma'am or Ilena ma'am know the changes. 

All the best for selling the cookies! :)