Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Saturday, July 17, 2010 @ 9:33 PM
Accident Prevention Badge for Sec2s

Hello Sec2s, this is regarding your accident prevention badge so please take note. It is very important. (All Modules and Badgework are important, by the way.)

Part 1:
Please download the attachment below and study for an upcoming test on Monday 19/07/10. Sorry for the late announcement.


Part 2:
In normal combined patrols, you all have to come up with a skit to present on 26/07/10.
Include the following points:

1. Know and where possible, demonstrate how to guard against accidents and when using: gas electrical appliances, kerosene stoves, naked lights, open fires.

2. Know at least three different ways of preventing accidents:
- When boating and bathing;
- When using public transport, cars and cycles;
- When with animals;
- In high-rise buildings.

Thank you and work hard! :)