Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Thursday, September 8, 2011 @ 8:57 PM
Design a Logo.

Your Task:
Design a circular logo with 10cm diameter on an A4 paper.
Your Design should include:
1) A Logo that represents AHSGG
2)A Slogan to commemorate AHS 55th Anniversary and 100 years of guiding in Singapore.
{The slogan must not be more than 15 words.}
There is no limitations to the colours you are allowed to use but it would be best to have solid colours (Try not to have shadings.)

The best design is to be printed on a water bottle which will be distributed to the whole company on a later date.

To be handed in during the Monday Activity(12/9/11)
Please put in your best effort, Thank you.