Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Friday, August 16, 2013 @ 9:58 PM
Accident Prevention Badge

Hi Guides,

Below are the points that you will have to demonstrate for your Accident Prevention Badge.

Know and where possible, demonstrate how to guard against accidents when using:

-Gas and electrical appliances
-Kerosene stoves
-Naked lights
-Open fires

Know what special precautions to take in the house with:

-Small children
-Old people

Know at least three different ways of preventing accidents:

-When boating and bathing
-When using public transport, cars and cycles
-When with animals
-In high rise buildings

Know what special precautions to take outdoors with regard to barbed wire, poisonous plants, storms and other hazards like hornets, jellyfish etc.

Please prepare a skit in your combined patrols to demonstrate the above points. Be prepared to perform your skit on 21 August 2013.

Good Luck!
