Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Saturday, July 24, 2010 @ 9:02 PM
Proficiency Badges

Hello Guides!

Below is the information for your 2 proficiency badges - Hostess Badge and Collectors' Badge.

Hostess Badge
Sec 1s, Lin Min, Hui Ling and Sue Fang.
30th July

1. Entertaining guests at afternoon tea
- In this case, it will be a teacher and a few seniors.
- Bring your own tea set (you can share with your batchmates), table decor, table cloth and INEXPENSIVE snacks (pandan cakes, etc) for 4 people.
- Your table decor has to be accompanied with a theme (flowers/animals/colours, etc). E.g. Theme is flowers, tablecloth can of flower patterns, decorate table with flowers.
- Strike up conversations with your guests and know proper etiquette (pouring of tea, etc).

2. Writing letters
- You are required to write two letters: Invitation to your tea party and refusing an invitation.
- This will be done on the spot while you are waiting for your turn to entertain the guests.
- Letters have to be in formal tone.
- Bring your own papers/cards and writing materials.
- You may want to correspond your letters with your theme. E.g. Theme is flowers, you can decorate your letter with flower patterns.

*Please do not buy tea sets just for this test.
**You may want to search the web for more information on being a good hostess and how to write a proper formal letter, or ask your seniors for more info.

Collectors' Badge
Sec 1s, 2s and 3s.
You are required to do clauses 1 and 2 to acquire this badge.
Done over a period of 6 months - Due January '11

Clause 1:
Show a collection, made over a period of at least six months, of one of the following: stamps, postcards, postmarks, crest or equivalent; the material is to be drawn from many sources as possible.
Discuss with the tester:
1.1 Why she finds this hobby interesting;
1.2 What she has learnt from it;
1.3 How she can develop her interest.

Clause 2:
Pass three of the following clauses:
2.1 Make a scrap-book for a children’s hospital;
2.2 Make a book of pictures, cutting etc; to illustrate World Guiding
(i.e. within and/or outside the Commonwealth);
2.3 (i) Make at least twelve leaf prints; name and mount them; or
- (ii) Make twelve coloured plaster casts of leaves or twigs; or
- (iii) Mount and label a collection of twigs and fruits of at least eight trees, to give to a Company or Pack.
2.4 Make a collection of at least ten objects which would be of interest to a foreign Company or Pack, and descriptive catalogue to accompany it. Pack in a box small enough to be sent aboard by letter post;
2.5 Collect and mount illustrations of six birds that the candidate has seen, together with information concerning each to include:
- (i) A description of the bird; a particular characteristics; where it is likely to be found; and what it feeds on.
- (ii) Its nest and eggs.
Present the collection to the Company library.
2.6 Make a collection of eighteen wild flowers with their leaves; press, mount and name them. Present them alone or another company.
2.7 Take a set of 15 photographs on a subject of her choice.
Note: The collection is to judge on neatness and method in arrangement and on the interest shown in it by the candidate.

Jiayou Guides! (;
