Anglican High School Girl Guides ♥

COH 2013-2014

Thursday, August 5, 2010 @ 4:15 PM
Malay Words for refreshment people

hihi. NDP refreshment people please take note of this! try to remember as much as you can ^^


1. Good Morning, Sir/Ma'am/all Selamat Pagi Cikgu-cikgu
Selamat Pagi Kawan-kawan
2. Welcome to AHS Selamat datang ke Sekolah Tinggi Anglican
3. Self-intro Nama Saya __________.
Urmur Saya (age) tahun.
Saya belajar di menengah (class)
4. Have a seat, sir/ma'am Sila/Jemput duduk.
5. Would you like a drink/food, sir/ma'am? Jemput Minum/Makan
6. Thanks you for coming, have a safe journey Terima Kasih. Selamat Jalan. Jumpa Lagi.

links for easier reading and printing:
click! this is for the 2003 to 2007 ver. of microsoft word
here for 2007~ ver!

good luck!